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Sara went to the canteen to meet her friend lilly,then they both buy themselves their lunch and sara discuss her problem.
Lilly you know yesterday i had an strange dream i saw a mystery boy.
Lilly:what you are saying sara,mystery boy??.
Sara:"yeah a mystery boy.
Lilly:"what do you mean by mystery.
Sara;" i can still remember the boy had red eyes and large pointed teeth.
Lilly:what you are saying sara boys with pointed teeth big reds eyes don't exist chill don't stress yourself by the its our last year to unity university and we will be seperated so chill.heyy i forgot i heard our physics teacher is replace and i heard the new teacher is very cool.
Sara:"ohh really."
Dring dring dring
The bell rang
Sara"see you after school"
What will happen to sara dream.should she ingnore it or search on her mystery boy or the new teacher is him behind the mystery boy keep reading to know more.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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