Monday, November 18

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A/N: So I recently watched Frozen and absolutely fell in love with it. Then I watched Rise of the Guardians and fell in love with that, too. And then the Jelsa feels began and the rest is history. So to all you lovely readers, I give thee a high school AU! And of course, because of my recent obsession, it will be Jelsa. I hope you enjoy!

I have a copy of this story up on (my username there is the same of the one I have here), but some of my friends use this site instead, so I told them I would post it here for them to read. This is my first wattpad published story and I don't completely understand how the site works, so if I need to change something or I'm doing something wrong, please let me know so I can fix it! Thanks!

Disclaimer: I don’t own Frozen, Rise of the Guardians, or any other character brought up in this story. All are owned by either DreamWorks or Disney. And the beautiful cover picture has been created by kuro-shini, and can be found on deviantArt.


 Chapter One: Monday, November 18

Jack was jogging down the corridor, his duffel bag over his shoulder and skates clutched in his hands. He was late. Again. Coach Moon was not going to be happy about that. But it wasn’t like it was his fault.  Mr. Weselton made him stay back an extra ten minutes to talk about an extra credit assignment that Jack would have to do if he wanted his midterm grade to be anywhere near a C. And if he wanted that athletics scholarship to get him into Corona University, then he was going to need all the extra credit he could get. Apparently, Mr. Weselton was not a fan of his history of hockey and other winter sports paper that he had turned in in late October, and gave Jack a whopping D; that meant Jack had only a few weeks to get his grades up if he wanted to stay on the team next semester.

The Burgess Skating Palace was practically empty on the inside. During weekdays, right after school, it was usually reserved for various sport practices. It wasn’t until the weekends when the rink was open for public recreation. On Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 3:20 to 6:20, the Burgess High Guardians had practice and the Skating Palace was their turf and their turf only for those three hours. While hockey may not have been the biggest sport in town – if it was, the school would’ve had its own ice rink – hockey was still widely popular and the Skating Palace allowed the school to use the rink for free. It wasn’t the best of deals, especially because the rink was a good ten minutes away from the school and the boys had to provide their own means of getting to and fro, but it was something, which was better than nothing.

The air turned colder as Jack neared the indoor rink’s entrance door. He quickened his strides, hopping that Coach Moon wouldn’t chew him out too badly. Moon wasn’t the kind of guy you wanted to be on bad terms with. He was an ex-pro hockey player whose career hit a brick wall after an accident that involved a knee surgery and one too many months in rehab. After Moon found out he wouldn’t be playing with the pros any longer, he returned to his home town of Burgess, Virginia, and was hired at the local high school. Having the famous “Moon Man” as the Guardians’ hockey coach more than made up for the team’s less than ideal practice area.

Jack barged though the doors just as Nick made the first hit, sliding the puck along the ice. Okay, warm ups had just begun, if Jack played his cards right, maybe Moon wouldn’t get too upset and just let him join the others. However, when Jack placed his stuff down on the bench and pulled his sweatshirt over his head to replace it with the blue and white Guardian jersey, Coach Moon turned to Jack and pointed at the bleachers behind him.

“I want thirty before you even think about stepping on this ice.”

Jack frowned but knew that there was no arguing with the guy. Quickly retying his sneakers, Jack jumped up and began to run the first flight of steps. From behind him, he could hear the sounds of his teammates’ skates slicing up the fresh ice. Man, did he want to get out there. There was no better feeling in the world than skating on ice that was recently resurfaced by the Zamboni.

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