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I woke up to see my master still asleep.I walked to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a bath.I put on some clothes and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.I still had a towel hanging around my neck.After I finished,I went to the living room and sat on the sofa.Then something tapped my shoulder.I screamed.

"Whoa there little kitty!Did I scare ya'?",he said with a smirk.
"No you did not and don't call me that!You gave me a name,didn't you?",I said.
"Yeah,I named you Shiro",he answered.
"So don't change it!I like it cause you gave it to me",I mumbled the last part while blushing.He blushed too.He jumped on the sofa and brought me on his lap.He then started to dry my hair.My ears popped out along with my tail.He dried those too.

My master was an angel named Cosserinur,but then he committed a sin.He was then tossed into Hell where he was called Grondymynor and he was chained.He finally snucked out of Hell and became a resident of Earth,named Casey.Thats where he found me.A stray little kitten.He took me in.Although he now lives on Earth,he is still a fallen angel.

"Ok,I'm sorry,my adorable Shiro",he whispered in my ear.I blushed.He then cradled me in his arms and took me to the dining table where we ate breakfast.He then picked me up bridal
style and pinned me to the sofa.

He started to give butterfly kisses on my whole face.I laughed as it was really ticklish.He paused and kissed my lips.I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.He licked my bottom lip and I gave him the entrance he wanted.He locked our tongues together.I let out a moan.

"I love you Shiro"
"I love you too,Casey"

He proceeded lower and lower and lower....And with that my friends ,I will let your imagination run as wild as it wants.Let's just say,Shiro couldn't walk for at least five days due to the amount of pounding and thrusting.Casey on the other hand went totally overboard that morning.

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