Out of the world

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Welcome to my first story on wyattpad. This was me and 2 of my friends idea but there too busy with there stories right now so here I am writing it. I will be sure to tag them in at the bottom. I hope you love this story and sorry if it's bad it's my first book.
The stone stairs were slick as me, Zen, and Celica run down them and go to alley. You can here shouting from an old man he would rip our throats out if he caught us so we had to be very quiet as we tippy toe out of the alley and towards our little secret area in the middle of town.

"W-we did it Lindian we accually got stuff from that rich family." Zen says smirking as she sprints ahead of us.

"Yes we did now we need to hurry he could send hounds out to track us down." I say leading the squad.

"I-I don't think I can run any faster," Celica says while losing her breath.

"Celica just a little farther you got this," I say pleadly.

"C-Celica got this" she mutters to herself.

I climb up into the hide out and open up the door to our tree house I watch Zen wait for Celica to climb.

"Come on come on Celica" Zen says looking over seeing the hounds Celica climbs up and at last second before spotted we all got up.

"That was a close one" I say opening the sack of stuff we stole.

"Too close" Zen says glaring at Celica.

Celica looks at me smiling adorably. "Can we eatttt" she jumps up and down excitedly.

"Of course" I say giving everyone a few crackers and cheese we stole. Everyone ate slowly to savor it because you never know we you'll get to eat again. This world is a very ruined world you'll see homeless people everywhere begging for food. Then you'll see people who steal things and get caught and executed. Or of course you see the rich people who hate everyone but themselves however are town is ruined by a despicable human being he is whom make this so miserable. First he gives everyone who is rich food money and everything. Which is okay however there not allowed to have children. Which is why were all out here is because are parents worried more about there health and food so they followed the rules and threw us out. I wonder how they'd feel if they knew we were the trouble makers in town. One day me, Zen, and Celica will get our revenge just let us be patient.

Sorry to leave you guys like that lol

Celica : Animegirl436
Zen: Zendragora
Lindian: me

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 18, 2016 ⏰

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