Chapter 2

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Every part of me was exhausted, my muscles, my bones. There was no fight left in me.

"Come on," I pant raising shaking fists "I can do this all day."

They came at me, a swarm of zombified bodies. They moaned and clawed for a piece of me. My friends, my neighbours, all transformed into something so gruesome it was hard to comprehend they had been normal only moments before.

I was in a corner now, the corpses closing me down. No more gadgets no more weapons, I was going to die.

I look down at my feet, where pools of blood coat the floors. My parents lay by my heels, their necks slit and eyes wide with terror.

"Death will be earned," I say, not to anyone in particular, my people could no longer comprehend language and my parents were long dead.
The least I could do was keep their bodies from being scuffed down.

A hand shot out, its fingers a ghostly pale, covered in sticky blood and dirt.
It sunk its thick nails into my chest, grabbed my heart, squeezed.

"Death will be earned," I whisper to myself, "death will..." I realize I'm awake. It was a memory.
I wasn't back on my home planet... I hadn't been home in centuries.

There probably wasn't a home to go back too, I hadn't checked in all my "recent" travels.
Home was such an isolated word these days I never spoke it aloud.

I roll my shoulders, my breath coming out foggy in front of my face. I sink back against the carseat, and reach forward to start the car.
I turn the keys and the vehicle sputters to life.

"You alright back there?" I ask, not really caring what the answer was. Griffin snarls.

"It's freezing!" He yells, his voice hoarse.

Whoops, I hadn't started the car when I fell asleep, the temperatures must drop when the sun goes down. Weird. I was still getting used to the whole, it gets bright in the day and dark in the night thing. Not to mention the car was still a work in progress.

"You think I'm stupid?" I retort, quickly regaining my train of thought, "Donavan you're a Supernova. You don't get cold."

He drops his act, no longer shaking and sniffling, he knows that I know what he is.
Griffin gives me a dirty look, as if I was the cause to all his problems.
Oh wait.

"I'm a professional at what I do," I tell him matter-o-factly, "I've been put through a lot of pain and annoyance to get your ass to D, so don't think that I come into the job unprepared."

He says something back, but I just reach back and smack him with my knuckle and again he turns invisible.

"It wears off in around," I check a watch that's not on my wrist, "when I want it to. So you better start respecting me, now."

The rest of the drive is in a peaceful silence, but despite the quiet, my mind always finds the loudest places.
Like my dream... the memory.

I hadn't dreamt about Home Planet in years, and I mean YEARS.
I was over eight thousand years old, I sold my soul when I was eighteen, and I slept most of it. Devil only calls on me once or twice a decade, I've only really lived around 20 years outside of slumber.

I had many dreams throughout my sleep, some about space and others about my parents dying.
But Home Planet...the day it ended.
How could I still remember it?

"Ya know Griffin," I finally pipe up, even though there is no response do to the silencer.

"My Home Planet was nothing like this," I comment, looking outside at the smoggy air and the dirty streets.

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