5 : J u n g k o o k

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The room was silent. [y/n] wanted to scream. Mrs. Parker had the entire class writing essays on why chewing gum shouldn't be allowed in school. [y/n] couldn't help but stifle a laugh as she looked around the room to see Jin was spitting out his gum on the essay paper. She continued to grin at Yoongi who was asleep face down on the desk, and Jimin who was clearly flirting with the girl sitting next to him. [y/n] threw a ball of paper at the back of Hobi's head who sat in front of her, "Where's Kookie?"

"He's out sick. Why are you missing your boyfriend~" He sung the last bit, and [y/n] blushed while she smacked the boy in front of her on the shoulder, "We're not together."

"Whatever you say [y/n]" He rolled his eyes at the girl who was clearly in love with her best friend.

Meanwhile she pulled out her phone and covered it with her arm, so no one could see.

Me: how dare u

Kookie: how dare i what

Me: u left me alone in ELA

Kookie: literally Yoongi Hobi Jin AND Jimin are there

Me: still...

Me: i'm coming over tonight

Kookie: u cant i'll get u sick

Kookie: besides my mom won't let u in

Me: yea she will she loves me


[y/n] walked through the halls of the school thinking about how boring and dull the day has been. She felt alone for the first time since the beginning of her high school career Jungkook who had always been with her was out sick. It wasn't that she didn't have any other friends, it was just Jungkook was her best friend and she did everything with him.

An arm reached around [y/n]'s shoulder's, "Is our little [y/n] missing Jungkookie?"

She could feel her face heat up as she pushed the arm off of her shoulders, "Piss off Jin, don't you have a girlfriend to bug, and not me?"

"She's busy at the moment, I'm pretty sure she's chasing Hobi around a classroom with scissors." [y/n] gave him a look, "You let your-" she cut herself off, "Y'know what nevermind."


The rest of the day passed in a blur full of yelling at Jimin and Jin, and complaining to Yoongi who ignored her. The final bell had rung and she was out of her seat faster than a bullet. She walked down the hall with Namjoon, her 'older brother,' who was supposed to drive her home. The walk to his shiny black pickup truck didn't take long, and her black knee high converse boots slapped the concrete as she climbed into the truck.

"Can you drop me off at Jungkook's?" Namjoon raised an eyebrow, but he didn't say anything as he pulled out of the parking lot.

The ride was short and involved the two playfully rapping to the music blaring out of the speakers. When they arrived at the Jeon household, Namjoon looked down at [y/n] who was about to jump out of the front seat.

"You have a ride home right?"

"I'll probably get Junghyun to drive me home, or I'll sleepover."

Namjoon glared at [y/n] rivalry boiling in his eyes, "Don't let Junghyun drive you home, call me and I'll come get you or sleepover."

"Namjoon-ah, you're closer to being my brother than Junghyun, he won't replace you," [y/n] laughed at the boy who has been her 'brother' since they met in elementary school.

She hopped out of the truck and waved good-bye to the older boy. Her skirt and blazer was waving slightly in the wind as she made her way towards the front door.

[y/n] raised her fist and knocked on the door until a woman around the age of 40 opened the door. Her warm brown eyes widened in surprise, "[y/n]!? What are you doing here?"

"Hi, Mrs. Jeon! I heard Jungkook was sick and I wanted to come see how he was feeling." [y/n] smiled at the woman whom she loved as her own mother.

"Come in, come in, yes he's upstairs in his bedroom, are you sure you want to be here you could get sick?"

The young girl nodded while kicking off her boots, "I'm sure, can I go up?"

"Sure," Jungkook's mother gestured for the stairs. "You know the way. I'll stop by later."

"Thank you!"

And with that being said, [y/n] took the stairs two at a time and made her way down the familiar hallway to a closed door. She could hear music playing quietly out of the stereo when she slowly opened the door.

"Kookie~" She sang, [y/n] peeked in to see Jungkook sleeping on the king sized bed. [y/n] sighed and walked over to him. She gently placed a hand on his forehead, only to feel it burning up. He really is sick, [y/n] bit her lip. The young [h/c] girl dug through his closet until she found some sweatpants, and a tee shirt. She changed quickly in his small bathroom and pulled her laptop out from her backpack. Carefully she climbed into bed next to the burning boy, her back against the headboard, and computer on her lap.

[y/n] must have sat there doing homework and quietly listening to Jungkook's music for at least an hour, before his mom peeked in.

"How is he?" [y/n] reached out again to place her hand on his forehead to feel, it still burning, although not as much as before.

"He's doing better."

"Maybe you being here is helping," Mrs. Jeon joked lightly. "Did you want me to call your mom and let her know you're spending the night?"

[y/n] grinned at the thought that she wouldn't even have to ask because her mom would say yes.

"Yes please."

The door softly closed again, and [y/n] was just finishing up her homework, when Jungkook began to move. He began to mutter things as he tossed and turned a bit. [y/n] placed her laptop on the ground so she could stretch, and when she sat back up she could hear him muttering actual words.

"[y/n]... I love you... [y/n]..." His voice got cut off when he rolled onto his stomach, and she froze at the sound of her name. He loves me? Smiling softly she rolled under his arm, and cuddled into his side.

[y/n] reached forward and poked his flawless cheek until he woke up, groggily he opened his eye

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[y/n] reached forward and poked his flawless cheek until he woke up, groggily he opened his eye.

"[y/n]?" She could feel his muscular arm wrap around her a little tighter, "What are you doing here?"

"I came to make sure you were okay." The two laid wrapped in eachother's arms quietly listening to music, until [y/n] shattered the silence.

"So... You love me?"

Jungkook's already pink face, burned even more, and he mumbled, "Yeah, so?"

"I love you too Kookie." [y/n]'s face warmed, but she put on her brave face and looked him directly in the eye. His eyes widened, "You do?"

[y/n] grinned before softly pressing her lips to his. He stayed frozen in shock, but just before she pulled away, he kissed her back. His arms tightened around her back and hers rested around his neck, as they softly kissed. Their kiss was gentle, warm and full of love, and [y/n] wished she could stay like this for the rest of her life. Their lips separated slowly, and [y/n] met Jungkook's gaze.

"I do."

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