The Start of Lifelong Friendships

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Ruri had shown the (y/h) girl to the bathroom in which she could shower without anyone bothering her. The long purple haired girl gave her a towel, the clothes she had found earlier, as well as detailed descriptions on where everything was and what they were for.

"Be sure to hand over your dirty clothes when you are done and lock the door." Ruri added.

"Okay. Thank you again for all you've done for me."

"Don't worry about it. I'm just glad I could help." She smiled brightly.

(Y/n) shut the bathroom door with a soft thud and locked the door just as the songbird girl suggested letting out a breathy sigh. She then placed the spare clothes on the sink counter before reaching to turn the water on to warm up. She stripped off her clothes filled with dirt and grime before stepping into the shower, allowing the warm water to cleanse her mind and soul as well as wash away any filth that had accumulated onto her body. Her mind drifted into pleasant thoughts for the first time in many years.

Memories of good times before her life became hunted by a bald madman who is building an army of children to take over multiple dimensions. Memories of when she first learned to Synchro Summon. Memories of when she helped make a D-Wheel with kids who were also raised in the orphanage with her. Memories of making her own D-Wheel (which is probably still with her childhood friends knowing them). Memories of coming to Heartland for the first time with a duel disk she stole and learning to Xyz Summon. This memory was arguably her favorite though. It always made her smile looking back at how kids like her were having fun dueling each other and encouraging her to join them with no prejudice on whether she was poor or not. She remembered beating them without using an extra deck and a girl with short light purple hair giving her an Xyz monster by the name of Fairy Cheer Girl as a token of her friendship.

She gave a long sigh. Those days were long gone. She doubted that any of those kids, especially the ones she grew up with, remembered her. It disheartened the girl to think that her close friends wouldn't remember her face or name if she ever reappeared in their lives, but she knew it was for the best if they didn't.

'At least they are living better lives than the one I'm living. I hope none of them get dragged into this with me. I hope the Kurosaki's don't get dragged into this either, but I can't abandon them now. They will need allies for when the inevitable comes busting down their doors,' her thoughts roamed.

"I will protect them just as they are protecting me now." Determination burned like a wild fire in her eyes as confidence laced every word.


Fully cleaned and dressed into the clothes given to her, she picked up her old torn clothes and unlocked the door. She slowly opened the door and peeked her head out. Seeing no one around, she wandered back to Ruri's room since it was familiar to her. She looked into Ruri's room to find the siblings and Yuto sitting on the floor in a kind of circle.

"I'm done Ruri..." She quietly spoke from the doorway. The group looked at her for a moment before the long purple haired girl stood.

"Alright. I'll take those from you and wash them. You two behave while I'm gone."

"What do you mean by that?" Shun barked. Ruri stuck her tongue out at him as she left with the clothes. (Y/n) was left standing there dumbfounded.

"So. Did you want to come sit down or what," Shun bluntly asked.

"Sure," She took a seat on the floor where Ruri was sitting, looking at the cards spread out on the floor, "You're dueling?"

"Yeah. So far I'm winning, though knowing Shun, it could still be anyone's game." Yuto stated with a bit of pride.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2022 ⏰

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