Chapter 12

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There has to be some way i can stop Kenzie and her family. As I was thinking of a way my dad walked in. And then an idea hit me. My dad is a cop. Maybe he could help me.

" Hey dad."

" Hey sweetie. You and Ash going out tonight? I was just wondering. If not could you watch Jojo?" When i heard him say Ash i held back tears.

" Yeah sure ill take care of him." But gravity and tears don't get along so i found myself wiping away the tears i never wanted.

" Oh baby. Did Ash hurt you? Ill make him cry." His deep voice is scary and intimidating.

" No, it's not that. It's just that this person at school forced us to break up. And if we didn't that certain person would hurt us. So we broke up." I cried even more. He sat down and hugged me.

" Baby I'm a cop. I can handle this. You want me to start an investigation?" He was serious and that's a good thing.

" Dad its more serious than you think. This persons whole family could kill us if they wanted to. Even Joey."

" This sounds dangerous. Ill make sure you are all safe. Every single one of you."

" Dad they made Ashley do awful things! They killed his whole family! They will stop at nothing!" He hugged me tighter.

" This needs to be stopped before it gets any worse. I'm going to call Ash. He's coming here. Anyone who is involved or you believe they're in danger write down their addresses and I'll get the rest of my team to go give them police escorts and bring them here. Parents too. We'll leave town.  Oh baby you'll be safe. I promise." He kissed my head. I wrote down all the addresses to give Dad. He sent the police to get them.

When I saw Ash I couldn't stand. Literally I jumped in his arms and we both fell on the floor on tears. Ash was crying more than me. My mom and dad had so much respect for him at that moment. No guy would ever cry like that if they didn't love someone. Ash got up, helping me up too.

" Thank you so much! I just hope one day I can return the favor. I just love Iris so much. I want to grow old with her, have kids. But those evil people stop me from pursuing that. Because of you my Iris, and my future children will have an amazing, bright, and safe future. Thank you." Ash said to my dad. Ash was was crying as he said this and it moved my mom and I to tears.

" Ash. I will make sure that that is the future that happens. Call me dad." My dad hugged him. I saw a few tears in dads eyes though he'd never admit it.

" Okay... dad." Ash came back to me. They just see me crying so he got rid of the tears.

" Iris?! What's going on?!" Nina came running through the door. Her parents, Baek, and Baeks  parents I assume followed after. I ran to her and hugged her.

" I'll  explain when everyone gets here." Dad cleared space for everyone. We were not only going to leave town we were leaving the country. All of us going to Korea. Nina, Baek, and their parents knowing we would be safe there.

We got rid of our phones, and bought a whole bunch of private phone so no one could track us. We all got relieved when everyone got here. Hopefully Kenzie hasn't caught on. We got the tickets to leave privately, meaning no one would know if they were good at computer stuff. Good thing we all had enormous funds because there was roughly over 50 of us counting the parents, and siblings.

Since we couldn't trust anyone but each other we got a private plane. We won't be going to a very nice place but it's a super-safe place. We'll have rooms and it will be heavily protected. As long as I have Ash I wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I hope the trouble will be over soon, because as I cuddled in Ashley's arms on the plane. I was already home sick.


I couldn't imagine having a life that Ash has lived. I can't wait to see Korea. I missed my home. But America is my home too.

1 Day Later Ashley

We arrived at Korea's Witness Protection Program if you will. It's a huge building. And so much security. It was basically sort of like a hotel and we didn't have to pay for anything besides food which was delivered and checked before made it to the the front door. Hmm poison, explosive, hate mail, very smart. Wasn't the coziest place but as long as my family and friends were safe Id  sleep on a dirt floor.

Iris and I've been inseparable. I always had to have physical contact. Which was mostly holding hands. We got our own room. Which was great because being away from her would kill me. Someone would literally have to kill me to get me away from her now. Unless I had to pee. I wouldn't want her to hold my hand. I like to use both. But a shower will always be accepted. But seriously I was anxious to get to our room. She was too.

Her parents were across the hall. I just feel bad for whoever sleeps on either side of us. They probably won't get much sleep tonight. I've never had this much passion in me. I can't wait to let it all out.

" Babe. I love you so much! I'm never letting you go again!" I cried to her. Being away from her was torture in itself. There was nothing more painful in the world than those few days she was gone.

" Good. I-I really need this. I need you. I missed you! I miss your touch, your kiss! Just everything!" It only took a second and our clothes were off. Glad we brought some with us because this stuff is ripped.


Oh! Ash I love you! Oh god!" Are you fucking kidding me! Oh man I need to change my room! Thank God my parents are heavy sleepers Iris would be in deep shit right now if they heard her and Ash.


" Fuck Iris! Your so tight!" Then I heard bed start to move. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! They need their own building they are so loud! My parents are a couple if rooms down. In sharing a room with Kai, Luhan, and Kihyun. When I saw Kihyun I apologized and it was strange how much we have in common. He's a really cool dude. They are so lucky they fell asleep. I have to stay awake a while because those sounds are not pleasing to fall asleep to. I hope Nina sleeping cause I hear her and her parents have the room next to Ash's  and I Iris's as well.

20 Minutes Later Nina

" Oh my god Ashley! Mmm! Fuck!" Sleep seems so far away. Why?! I want to stop them so I can sleep, but I don't want to get scarred. Plus I know they won't stop. Baek help meh!! Please!!!


Nina help meh! I miss you sleep! Please come back!

10 Minutes Later Iris

" Oh!" That was even better than the first.

" I love you." He kissed me on the cheek, head, lips, everywhere basically.

" I love you too. Wow you were holding back before weren't you?" He laid next to me, lacing his arms around me.

" Well it was your first time I had to be slow. And no in still holding back." He winked and smirked.

" Oh really?" Sounds like it would feel amazing.

" Trust me if I gave you my all you wouldn't be able to walk the next day. Because your legs, and the middle of you would be sore and numb at the same time." I like the sound of that.

" We should try it sometime." He smirked at what I said and kissed my shoulder.

" We shall see then." He kissed me before we fell asleep. I hope everyone else is sleeping. They'll need it after the stress of the plane.

I swear I almost fell off my bed crying and fangirling when i  wrote when Ash and Iris we're together again. And then I almost fell off my bed again because I was laughing too hard at the Baek and Nina back and forth part. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

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