Fifth Day | AsaNoya

145 5 4

Neighbour!AU + Older!AU


"Okay, keys, list, phone, hat--ah, where's my hat?" Nishinoya muttered to himself, filling out the checklist he had written in his head. The 21-year-old looked through his closet and noticed his hat all the way at the top of the shelf on the side.

Now, to an average-sized male, this shouldn't be a big problem, right?

Well, to Nishinoya, it was. Having stopped growing at the age of 18, Nishinoya was only a whopping 5"4, which could be quite problematic. For instance, the scenario he was in right then.

Nishinoya was not able to reach his hat.

Damn, do I have to get the chair again? the male thought. He sighed, then an idea sprung into his mind.

I wonder if I can still jump like in high school. . .

Nishinoya backed up a few steps before lurching forward and pushing off the ground. His hand was able to reach the hat at the top, but unfortunately, as he was about to land, he stumbled and fell flat on his butt.

"AH! SON OF A BUTTER KNIFE THAT HURTS!" he shouted, groaning. Nonetheless, Nishinoya stood up again and placed his hat on his head.

"Hat. . . check."

The brunet with blond streaks sighed, then stepped out of his home. Next door, the loud sounds of a garage opening caused him to glance over. He saw a familiar face come from the garage, a shovel in hand.

It was the new neighbour.

Nishinoya still hadn't spoken to him yet, and didn't exactly want to. . . yet. Instead, he wanted to start a conversation with the (cute) male in which Nishinoya would say something witty so that the neighbour would take a liking to him and they'd start becoming closer and eventually one of them could confess and they'd start dating and--

Well, Nishinoya had really thought this through. Bottom line is that he didn't feel like speaking yet.

Instead of making eye-contact and by the unsaid laws have to say something, he looked straight at his car and practically ran to it.

"Safe. . ." he whispered to himself. Nishinoya proceeded to driving to the supermarket to buy the things he needed.

After 30 minutes of shopping for food to make Christmas dinner, a few road rage moments, and nearly faceplanting into the snow, Nishinoya finally made it home. There was a flurry that had started before he left the supermarket, which Nishinoya was kind of upset about.

Flurry started = snow piling up = Nishinoya has to shovel the stairs and driveway.


Nishinoya sighed, then got out of the now-parked car. As soon as he did, he heard a familiar sound that he heard earlier that day.

Nishinoya looked over and noticed the new neighbour still shoveling.


Nishinoya examined him from afar and noticed some concerning things.

1. The man didn't have gloves on, which meant his fingers must have been cold.

2. The man's face was all red. He must have been cold.

3. The man's shovel was dull, which meant that he must have spent a lot of time outside in the cold.

In conclusion, this man was freezing.

Nishinoya sighed. I kind of feel bad. . . I want to help, he thought. Instantly, Nishinoya got an idea. He quickly ran into the house and into his kitchen.

I've got it. . ! I know how to make an impression on this guy!! he thought, a big grin on his face.

A couple of minutes later, Nishinoya walked back out of his house, two cups in his hands. He walked over to the house next to him, where the neighbour stood, leaning against his shovel.

"Uh, hey there," Nishinoya said, a small smile on his face.

The stranger turned around, a slightly confused look on his face. "Hm? Oh, hey! You live next door, right?" he asked.

Nishinoya nodded. "Yeah, I live right there," he said, jerking his head in the direction he just came from. "I noticed that you've been out here for quite a long time, and I just thought you'd be cold so I brought you this."

Nishinoya handed over one of the white mugs to the stranger. It was as he did this that he realized the drastic height difference between them.

Nishinoya gulped.

"What is it?" he asked, his frigid hands being warmed up by the hot liquid.

"It's hot cocoa," Nishinoya answerd, a smile on his face.

The two sat down on one of the snow-free steps. "Thanks, uh. . ." the neighbour said, but since Nishinoya hadn't introduced himself, he finished the sentence.

"Nishinoya. Nishinoya Yuu. What's your name?" he asked.

"I'm Azumane Asahi. Nice to meet you, Nishinoya," Asahi said, a smile on his face. He extended his free hand to Nishinoya. Nishinoya took it and with a firm grip, he shook it.

"It's nice to meet you, too."

As they first shook hands, it was almost as if they both had the same exact thought at the same time.

That was the start to a new amical connection, possibly even more. . .

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