Her (Part 2)

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*Time skip*
Marshall's POV
It's now lunch and Marcy invited to sit with her and her friends. We sit down and Marcy introduces her friends. "Everyone,"she announces,"this is Marshall Lee." "Sup."I waved. "The blonde boy is Finn,"he waved,"the blonde girl is Fiona." "H-Hi."she waved. "Bonnie and Gummy should be here soon,"said Marcy,"speak of the devil's, literally." "Marceline."said a pink girl. "Bonnibel."she said back. "Who's this?"the pink girl pointed to me. "I'm Marshall Lee."I smirked. "Is he always like this?"she asked. Marcy nodded. "What? To hot to handle?"I asked. The pink guy snorted,"Looks like you sure got them under your spell." I rolled my eyes, this guy is a complete asshole. "Whatever let's just enjoy lunch."Marcy sat down on the end. I sat next to her and the blonde girl. She seemed to be turning redder by the minute. Wonder what's wrong
*Bell rings*
"What class you got next?"I asked her. "Art with Fiona. What about you?"she replied. "Same."I said. "Well hurry up you two we're gonna be late!"Fiona yelled.

Marceline's POV
I plopped myself down on a seat and Marshall just happened to sit right next to me. I zoned out completely, I honestly didn't care. Someone poked me, I turned over to the direction of the poking. It was Marshall. "Um hello. I know it's hard to get distracted by my beauty but please this is just embarrassing."he said. "Oh shut up." I replied. "Do you wanna join me and Fi for the project we're doing?"he asked. And before I could answer the mother of all bitches interrupted me,"Well too bad seeing as I've already taken the position." "Summer can you go be a bitch somewhere else." I replied. "Marcy calm down. I know things have been hard and I know that you've become overly clingy since your parents died, but you need to let go I'm working with Marshall and if-" That's when I did it, when I punched her in the face. That's when I got sent to the office.

Marshall's POV
Shit. I have no idea what just happened. In any case, I tried to explain what happened to that teacher. But she just sent me to the office for talking back. I got there and sat next to Marcy. "What are you doing here?"she asked. "I got sent here for talking back."I explained to her what I did. "Why'd you do that?"she raised her eyebrow. "Cause Summer is an asshole and I couldn't of let her just get away with it."I said. She looked at me in shock not knowing what to say. "Thanks."she smiled. Then she got called into the office.

Marshall Lee x Marceline (Marcelee)Where stories live. Discover now