Chapter 5

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I am probaly the worst skater here right now.

All of the kids that were probaly going out last year, or started over the summer were holding hands. At my old school nobody really did that kind of thing, accept Blake Bentlinn. He did that with many girls. I worry he will break Lauren's heart.

I have to skate in between the wall, and Lauren, so every time I lose my balance I can grab onto them.

I wander if the request for my favorite song will come on. Then it does. I am happy but I wait to see if it is popular enough to tell Lauren I requested it. First impressions right?

"Ugggggggggg" Everybody is moaning and groaning. The DJ then quickly ends it with that twisting record sound.

"Uh I hate that song, we loved it like what, 3 years ago." Lauren says.

"I know right." I say.

I feel bitter.

To fit in I even have to change my opinion about music. Man, I hate middle school.

A girl trips Lauren, on purpose! She skates past then high-fives her friends. I glare at her. She laughs.

"Who is she?" I ask as I help Lauren up. (I am not very good at helping her up since I can barely skate.)

"Lisa, Lisa Pretzley." Lauren seems hurt, yet deep in thought. I can tell she knows exactly why that Lisa girl tripped her.

Hey, did I mention middle school sucks?

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