The trip-

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  Plot- You are sleeping when your little brother wakes you up to remind you of something*
          Y/N Pov.
You wake up to a loud noise Your wondering 'What just happened?!'
You look up and see your little brother*
Lil Bro- Hey Wake up Sleepy head We are going Soon and mom says PACK YOUR BAGS *he chuckles well running out of your room and downstairs to the kitchen*
Y/N-*Yells* I Will be down in a little bit!!!
You slowly get up sitting on the end of your bed You rub your eyes and yawn. You stand up and Walk to your closet and grab a shirt that says *Messy Hair Don't! Care* You throw it on the bed and grab some baby blue skinny jeans out of the closet and throw them on the bed also..You bend down to the floor of your closet where you keep all of your shoes You pick up a pair of black short boot heels that feel soft to the touch and you walk to your bed and pick up the shirt and pants.You walk out of your room,Down the hall and to the bathroom You quickly take a shower. You get out of the shower and quickly get dressed.You put your hair in a towel and walk to your room and pack your clothes/items for the plane trip so your hair can dry.
1 hr. Later.
You finish packing and decide to do your hair. You comb your hair and straighten it. You hear Your mom Yell
Mom- Hurry Up You have 45min.!!
Y/N -  Okay I will pick up the pace
*You giggle*
You grab your bags and slowly walk to your phone you pick it up when it starts to ring you answer it
Y/N - Hello?
Anynomoyous- Hey Kiddo!
Dad- it's easy kiddo.
You quickly hang up you don't want your dad to find out your location.
'That was weird' you mumble under your breath. You power off your phone and grab it's charger and your bags again and head downstairs. You meet Your brother on the staircase playing video games.

Y/N- We are going turn off your Nintendo or whatever it is and grab your bags!
You check the clock it's 30min. Until your flight leaves.
Brother- Fine.

He shuts off his Nintendo and walks down the stairs to the doorway entrance You notice his bags are already there.

Y/N- Where is mom?
Bro- She Is putting stuff in the car DUH.
You roll your eyes at him and open the door you walk to the car and put your bags in and help your mom with hers. You watch your brother waddle to the car suitcase in hand. You grab his suitcase and put it in the trunk.You go around and get in the left backseat well your brother is in the right backseat. You wait a few moments until your mom hops in the car.
Mom- Are you ready kids?
Y/N- Ye- your brother cuts you off
Your mom and brother burst out laughing.
Y/N- I have to admit you may be annoying but you sure can get a chuckle out of us
You all start laughing. You ask your mom to turn the music on she does. Some cool Jams turn on You sing along.
  15min. Pass. And you arrive.
You arrive at 'Burlington Head Airport' You walk in go through all the procedures and stuff. Your mom hands you the ticket and says flight 456 we are going on flight 173 because, You were orginally going to go on flight 173 with us until it got completely booked and I offered you to go in the other plane 1st class for's a free upgrade and there was only one ticket and since your older you can.
You try to say something but your mom keeps on talking.
Our flight will land about an 1hr. After yours so I will call you when we land, well we are gone you can find something fun to do. She hands you $150 for spending money
Y/N- Thank you mom!
Mom- Yes sweetie your plane leaves in 5min. So go get on it.
You and your mom give each other hugs.

   You walk to the plane entrance and there is a tall slim Brown haired lady her name tag reads~Alexis Haynes. The lady Approaches you and says Let me check your ticket please.
You shower her your ticket and she let's you keep going in to the plane You have a small Backpack that contains
   • A MacBook Pro Laptop
   • Your IPhone 7plus
   • makeup
   • a neck pillow
   • a blanket
   • and some other necessary items
You read your ticket it says seat 6D you look down the Isle to find your seat it is in the middle of the plane you see 2 empty seats one reads 6D and the other Reads 6E You sit down in seat 6D it is on the inner side next to the window you set your bag down on the floor and wonder who is going to sit next to you if anybody.
After about 3 min. The Alexis Lady shuts the door and walks in you realize no one had sat in Seat 6E yet . You don't mention anything, The lady walks down each isle she looks at the empty seat she walks to the plane door and opens it. You can't see who is there but you hear a friendly voice talking to the lady you hear the voice say
Voice- I'm so sorry I was in a rush and --
Lady- YEAH YEAH I see now go sit down.
Voice- Yes
You see a boy about your age he has gorgeous hair and ravishing eyes. As of that moment it feels like the world stops like you and him are the only people in the world and that everything will be okay. You are dosed off in Wonderland when he walks up to seat 6E and sits Right next to you!
Jacöb- Hey!
Y/N - Hi
You nervously smile.
Jacöb- My name is Jacob What's yours? He starts to blush
Y/N- My name is Y/N  
Jacob- Wow that's A Beautiful name
((Note*Y/N stands for your name))

Y/N- Thanks, So Why are you going to Virginia?
Jacob- Oh I live there Haha how about you..Why are you going to Virginia?
He chuckles
Y/N- Well..I'm going to Virginia because, It is almost Christmas and we are Just going on a trip.
Jacob- Do you have any family in Virginia?
Y/N - Nope

Jacöb- So what do you do in your spare time?
Y/N- Oh whale..hmm..I listen to music And play gutair and Also Watch Netflix
You giggle
Jacob- Do you have an Xbox1?
Y/N- Yes why
Jacob- Because maybe, We could play together sometime?
Y/N- Yeah that would be great

Y/N Pov./
Woah this jacob boy is so cute HE even wants to play Xbox with me sometimes YASSS. I looked up and almost lost track looking at him. Then he hands me a piece of paper that says - My game tag is JacöbtheMagician (Not his actual gamer tag) I slip it into my bag and grab a napkin from earlier since I don't have anything else to write on and I write down my gamer tag, and Hand it to him.
All of the sudden this big smile grows across his face. And from then on we talked until we landed it was great! We talked about Our life good and bad, we talked about music, we talked about charity we talked about basically anything that interests us.

Jacobs Pov./
Wow...this girl I can't even explain how beautiful she is not just on the outside but on the inside her personality is Glowing!I really like that about her maybe I should just ask what she is doing before we get off the flight,I really want to spend more time with her..But I'm to shy to ask but, like..I  don't think I'll ever see her again if I don't so I will.

-----Back to leaving from flight-----

  Jacob stands up and so do I he unexpectedly turns around and asks what I'm doing for the next few hours after the flight.

Y/N- Well that's a good question because, my mom won't get off her flight for the next 3 hours and I have never been to Virginia before..-
* Jacob cuts you off*

Jacob- I could show you around if you want?

Y/N- That's very nice of you but, You really don't have to.

Jacöb- No I'd love to show you around
*You blush*
Y/N- Really you actually would want to show me around that's really nice of you.

Jacob- Yes really I would.

Y/N- Aww thanks that would be great!

* Jacob grabs your hand and-*

□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ Hey, This is The author  and if you want to find out What happens next VOTE for this chapter and Comment What you think if you want! 😊

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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