the cats of the clans

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Brambleclaw raced down to sunning rocks where Squirrelpaw was. They had wanted to get together to talk about Squirrelpaw's training for a while but ever since the twolegs started coming closer and closer to their camp Thunderclan the prey was running scarce so the hunting patrols have been called out more and the apprecience's have been training more to so they will be ready to become warriors sooner. When brambleclaw reached snakerocks he stopped dead in his tracks. There right before his eyes was a twoleg monster going right twords him!
Where has he been? Squirrelpaw wondered. She sighed. Then Squirrelpaw heard a twig snap. She stood frozen in place. Her pelt stood up on end.a plump rabbit stood there is tail twitching. Squirrelpaw let our a sigh of relief as she leaped on the rabbit and started eating the prey. To bad for the others. She thought as she imagened the fresh kill pile. She sighed. To bad for them .she repeated again in her mind. Then she got up and started searching for Brambleclaw while at the same time trying to enjoy that plump piece of rabbit."Brambleclaw Brambleclaw where are you". Squirrelpaw called out over and over again trying to get some sort of answer. Then suddenly she did. But not from Brambleclaw. The leaves started moving ferioussly. Then a black coated cat jumped out from behind the bushes."Crowpaw!"Squirrelpaw yelled at the windclan warrior."what are you doing on windclan's territory?!?!?!!"he snarled making Squirrelpaw jump back in great fear."I I I I waaaaasss jjjust trying ttttooo ggget past snakerocks". She stuttered. "I'm sorry Crowpaw". After Squirrelpaw did her final words she. leaped over a rock and ran back to her clan. When she reached the thunderclan boarder she remembered Brambleclaw. Brambleclaw fluttered open his amber eyes as he tried to think of where he was. But he couldn't. But he did keep having these strange visions of twoleg monsters coming twords him. But only medicine cats had visions."hello"! He called out and surprisingly he got a couple of mews coming from his right. He cocked his head and sniffed the air. Kittypets. Brambleclaw let out a disgusted meow. Obviously as you can see most warriors don't like kittypets. Even thunderclan cats who their leader Firestar is a kittypet. Or you can say used to be."who are you we don't recognize your scent."one of the kittypets asked."Brambleclaw who are you."Brambleclaw replied."I'm cookie that's Cody and she is candy. We're all the same litter."cookie replied."nice to meet you cookie Cody and candy. Do you guys know where we are?"Brambleclaw asked hoping he didn't sound too rude."of course we're on our way to the shelter"cookie replied. Brambleclaw let out a terrifying screech. He was not going to get in a twoleg place no matter what!
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ hey if @m_am1101 is reading this or anyone tell me if you like it please also if you like monster high and ever after high I wrote a story called monster high and ever after high trouble it is also a great book.

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