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{ Holiday Bonus }

"What about this one?" Scorpius said pointing out a slim dark handled broom. It was some American made brand. Draco shook his head. And picked up a small manual and flipped it over a few times before putting it back down.

"Absolutely not." He bent beside his son and pointed to the wood the smaller blonde held in front of him. "The grain is too thin. Potter would need something with a more natural look. This one is too manufactured looking."

"Daddy, what does m-manoofractured
mean?" He tilted his head to the side, the way he so often did when something confused him and Draco chuckled as he stood and brushed his son's hair down.

"It means someone made it."

"But daddy, it's a broom. Someone did make it." Draco nodded as he took the broom from his son's hands and laid it back into its box on the shelf.

"You know what, Scorp? I suppose you're right." He ruffled the small blonde head of hair before smoothing it out again and picking the boy up to carry him towards another rack of things. As they neared the rack however, he noticed a small shelf covered in holsters. He smiled to himself. "I have the perfect gift Scorpius. Go wait by the counter, alright?"

"Okay, daddy." Scorpius took a look at his father before grabbing a bundle of ties and running off.

"Scorp! You don't need that many!" Draco called after his son.

"But you can't know which one I get for you!" Scorpius yelped back. He made it to the counter and Draco chuckled and looked back at the shelves full of holsters. He wanted one that was very Harry.

He searched through a range of colors until he found a deep brown, authentic leather strap with a deathly hallows symbol on the front. He smiled at the small nod towards their past and picked it up. Harry always carried his wand in his back pocket and if no one else was tired of it, Draco most certainly was. He arrived at the counter and looked around a few times before finally spotting his son behind the counter whispering to the clerk.

"Scorpius, how in Merlin's name did you get back there?" The woman behind the counter stood up abruptly at the sound of Draco's voice and blanched visibly. He couldn't mistake that shade of fiery red hair anywhere. He nodded at her politely. "Ginevra." Her eyes grew at the sound of her given name and she nodded back at him.


"Daddy!" yelped Scorpius. "This nice lady said that Rose-y's daddy is her brother! Is that true? Is Mr. Ron really her brother?" Draco nodded at his son who spun back towards Ginny. "I'm sorry. My daddy told me you don't have as many siblings anymore and it's his fault. My mum is dead too! It'll be okay." He stood a little straighter and moved over to hug his father's legs.

"Did you already pay for your presents, Scorp?" His son nodded then looked around himself in search of his gift bag which Ginny easily lifted and placed on the counter.

"No! You can't show him!" Scorpius stood on his toes and reached for the gift back making sure to keep it out of his father's grip. Ginny and Draco both laughed at the young boys antics. Draco finally lifted his hand and laid the wand holster down.

"Can you gift wrap it, please?" He asked absentmindedly looking in his pouch for the required number of galleons. When he looked up to hand her the money she looked astounded. "Did I do something?" She shook her head.

"This," she said motioning towards the wizard band. "It's- well its a male item, I assumed it was for you." He shook his head and tried his damnedest not to smirk at her.

"Most definitely a gift. Now could you gift wrap it? The red paper will be fine."


"Uh- The gold, I guess. If you don't mind me asking I thought you were off playing quidditch or what-have-you. What happened?"

"Oh, I still play, but we usually have the holidays off so I try to help out here." She motioned to the store around her. "Name?"

"Harry," he said watching Scorpius pressing his face against the store's outside window where the first flakes of snow had begun to fall. He turned back to her to see that she hadn't written a name on the label yet. "If the pen is dry, I can just sign it when I get home."

"Harry?" She asked small. Looking him dead in the eye. It would have scared him if he were doing something wrong.

"Well yes, you know how he has that terrible habit of keeping his wand in his back pocket." He rolled his eyes as Harry's muggle tendencies. "I thought I'd give him something a bit more practical."

"Oh, you guys are friends now? Ron didn't tell me."

"Scorp, back away from the window. You're going to leave prints," he called towards his son before turning back towards the red head in front of him. "Oh no, we aren't. We're a couple." At her silence he tilted his head. "I can just sign it at home." She shook her head and quickly scribbled his name. Slowly sliding the wrapped parcel back to him.

"No worries," she said, but her voice shook. Draco didn't notice and took her shy smile as a real one and shot her a genuine smile back.

"Don't tell him what I got him, yeah? He said I shouldn't get him anything, but that's preposterous." She nodded with wide eyes.

"Have a good day," she murmured with a still shaky voice.

"You too. Happy Christmas! Come on, Scorpius." Once he held his son's hand he led them back outside and towards an apparation point and pulled them both towards a muggle bookstore he was familiar with to get their final presents.


Harry was pacing around the house. But to Ron's dismay it wasn't Number 12.

"Oi, Harry sit down! You're making 'Mione even more nervous. We're having Christmas at her parent's house this year 'cause they say we always celebrate it at the burrow."

"That's because we do, Ronald!" Hermione yelped from the kitchen.

"That's because there is more space at the table!" Ron sputtered back.

"As much as I would love to hear this wedded bliss-" before Harry could finish the fireplace flamed up once and another Weasley stepped through, gracefully, making Harry's breath to catch in his throat.


Hey futher muckers.

This was to be posted Christmas, but it didn't feel jolly enough for me.

Sooooo I decided to just make it a bonus

Therefore you get 2 chapters today!

Happy Holidays!

How was everyone's break?

Hope you enjoyed

Love you all

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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