wtf did i just say?

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"I low key want to punch you in the face right now"

I say the her as she walks into the room and notices me. I take in her picture , the outfit she has on is clearly meant to tell her ex that she doesn't miss him but as her d-cups are popping out of her c-cup bra it kills everyone in the room, because she clearly looks fucking hot and she meant to have all eyes on her as she showed up to school today so yeh I'm officially gay for her right now.

"Why? Ain't i pretty!" She says sarcastically i love her even more when she acts special, 'which she is she makes me happy!'

"Damn girl you looking fine" Cam says to her when he walks by our table.

"Like porcelain " she says ignoring his fuck boyish smirk.

"Bet you feel like it to" he says leaning in to her ear but i still manage to hear.
Marvin who sat behind us actually heard that while he was drinking water which caused him to choke and start gagging.' He wouldn't be sucking Dick with that kind of reflex' i think finally turning my attention to my friend.

"Yeh no bullshit there ha ha but you ain't ever getting near it" she says clearly telling him to go fuck himself.
He then gets pissed and walks away.

"So why do you look like a whore i mean?" I say asking her a serious question.

"Oh you haven't heard I'm the new slut " clearly remembering when we had to read that stupid adultery book. I still think the movie Easy A was better then both the real story and movie.

"Wow i mean you don't even try and yet you still accomplish to give gay guys hard on" i say to her.

We then shut up and get our books out and get to work on our education. After 1st class she walked like her life depended on it, she managed to not get dress coded by the teachers by putting my jacket around her which I was okay with cause I wasn't about to break up a fight between her and the teachers. We went to our next class which was Mrs. James she was our softball coach who liked to teach math In her spare time, not like I did play sports id rather stay home and smoke pot and drink vodka than go to a game and actually try. So we all arrive and she gives us our assignment and we do our work. I mean i don't like school that much i barely want an education and my parent isn't that strict about it but i wanted a better future for myself  so the best i could do was get an education, i haven't yet decided on what i want to be i mean i didn't want to be a doctor or store manager or teacher i wanted to be something crazy, my mom was a lawyer and dad well he was a drug flipper but that was a spare job he was actually a cop but he quit because at the time my aunt was sick and he wanted to be there for her but luckily she pulled through. Yeh i know why would a cop be a "drug slinger" but he brought home what i needed meaning my friend Mary Jane and he never got to close to work so he was actually clean enough to still work as a cop, but why would he plan to go back to being a cop after what hes doing? He says that he got close to dealers and that community so he wasn't out there on the field to stop drugs he was out there trying to stop shooting and fights and threats and shit like that yeh wtf but hes happy and I'm happy.  That reminds me he has an quarter for me when i get out of this stupid place.. so i went through the rest of the day of school quite happy  Sarah finally got dress coded around ninth period and cam gave her his basketball Jersey so everything was okay. But i went home and Sarah came over and my parents had left a  note saying they wouldn't be home until late tonight so us being teenagers we sent the message of a party. Which yes we indeed were throwing on this very friday night .when my dad gives me bags of weed and my mom stores bottles of liquor i obviously take my chances why would they do this cause i was currently dating one of my dads former slinger acquaintances so he new whatever i got i gave to Drew and he trading it for phones guns money he spoiled me which i loved, my mom had alcoholic beverages because she would work drunk as shit but she always managed to win against the other side but even though i was spoiled by my boyfriend i was never spoiled by my parents well besides from what my dad gave me but i state again i would give it to Drew but he never brought his work home he brought wraps and paper work with an occasional gift for me haha damn sounds like he fed my addiction if i was an addict but I'm not ,only pot and vodka nothing else. But i knew my dad had to deal with people who were addicts, one guy was about to od on my dads watch so he had to call me to come and help him, the guy did some ice and well he lived but we took him to rehab about  a week later when he got out of the hospital but he never told my mom about his work cause she was completely against drugs.

 - The previous statements are based on lies please dont judge the story to someones life. If you have ideas on if i should keep that whole job for dad then tell me i might change it but keep the plot. Omg ugh has me jammed so i wont update as frequently......

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2017 ⏰

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