Chapter Fifteen

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The whispers told him to go. Stiles had to go to the beach of Kibesillah, the voices told him so. He felt drawn there.

There was a newborn hatred growing in his heart, like a flickering flame ready to set off an explosion.

He needed to go. He needed to go.

A fate would be changed that night; he knew not whom nor if it would be for better or for worse but let's just say that he didn't have a good feeling.


The pack arrived at the cove. It was cold; a harsh wind blew in from the darkened sea however the skies were eerily clear, allowing the icy silver light of the bright full moon to light their first paths. Along the sand, they saw lines of misshapen footprints. They were large flat and pointed with three large clawed toes. They knew they were in the right place.

"Where are they?" asked Malia, "They said they'd be here."
Liam looked worried, "Maybe this was a bad idea, this could be a trap!" The pack looked to their alpha for guidance. 

"Do you have a better idea? We need to get Derek back and this is the only way I know how!" Scott was tense, nervous even, he had told himself that he wouldn't let his emotions could his judgement yet there he was sitting in a tempest acting like everything would be fine.

The pack just stood there on that barren beach, pleading for something, at least something, to happen but they didn't know what they were in for.

"What's that?" cried Liam, frantically pointing to the water, "Look just over there!"

An armoured head began to rise out of the waves, and then another and another. There were three sirens in total. The foul stench of their breath instantly smacked the back of Scott's throat; it reaked of everything rotten. They each carried an obsidian blade by their side. They were ready to fight. The pack silenced, allowing the muffled sound of screaming to be heard. Two of the sirens were dragging something up through the water with them. A body.

"Derek!" shouted Scott, running towards the creatures that held him captive. With a grunt, the sirens threw Derek onto the sand. He was tied up with some kind of rope. Upon closer inspection, a number of bruises and cuts littered his mangled torso. What did they do to him?

Another arose from the waves. This one, however, was different. She looked human enough but any supernatural could sense from a mile of that she was far more than that. Her face was stunningly beautiful yet incredibly deadly; she had toxically green eyes that were almost luminous. On her back, she carried a pair of double-edged blades that appeared to have an emerald glow. Assana.

"Did you bring what I asked?" she said coolly, not even bothering to make eye contact with the land-walkers.

"We couldn't find him! We searched and searched but he was nowhere to be found!" said Scott.

"Well that just won't do will it Mr McCall!" She pulled a blade from her back and held it to Derek's throat. "Where is the prince?"

"We don't know!" Scott pleaded, "Please just let Derek go, we have no quarrel with you!"

She pressed the blade further against the wolf's neck causing a pained choking sound to come from Derek's lips. "Where is the prince?" she screamed. 

"Right here," said a voice from behind the pack, "I'm here now let Derek go."

Scott looked at his friend in shock. Stiles couldn't be here, it wasn't safe!

(ON HOLD) Stiles Stilinski ~ The Decay Of The Waves ~Where stories live. Discover now