The Edge of Survival

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Panting, I heard panting. I'm not sure if it is a human's panting, could be an animal's, it almost sounds like a Nosher. I ran knowing I didn't want to find out, but as my feet started to skip away light footsteps chased me.

Roxane was dead ahead right out of the forest. The horse swung its tail with a testy flick. Just as I started to run faster someone, or something, grabbed Roxane. I looked left and right, and saw no one. That doesn't mean no one's there, it just means they are hiding, waiting.

I turned around and saw a child. It didn't move it just stared at me. Something about this child made me feel weird. She, I think it is a girl, gave me a very toothy smile. A dark substance dripped from her mouth. Blood? Her grin widened. She ran her tongue along her top lip, then charged toward me. I should have known when I saw that mischievous smile that she was a Nosher, so I quickly zig-zagged out of the woods.

Looking in the direction my horse was dragged off to, I could see Noshers surrounding the corpse, licking off what was left of the meat from the bones. I stopped for a moment to stare at these evil creatures, big mistake. Once one of the Noshers looked up they all looked up. None of them moved, but the one chasing me made an irritating screech. I'm positive that screech was to tell her friends to come chase me, because once those around Roxane's corpse heard the screeching, they started screeching and chasing me also.

I fumble for my semi-automatic pistol. Once I get a grip on it I turn around to aim it at the girl Nosher's head and shoot. Her body flies backward then hits the ground with a loud thud. About four Noshers stop to feast on the dead body. I run backward to keep going and shoot an older male Nosher in the head. I shoot three more Noshers, one was in the head and the other two were in the gut.

I turn back around. Only 7 rounds left and I'm being chased by over fifty Noshers, they just keep coming out of the woods. I didn't want to waste 7 bullets, but I had to. Five came out of nowhere. They ran at me. I shot one in the leg, one in the shoulder, one in the head, and two in the torso. Only 2 rounds left.

The best thing about this chase is that their screaming wouldn't stop. I turned around for a split second and saw that other Noshers were feasting on the other fallen bodies. I kept running forward till I saw a building in the distance. Looks like a farm house. A white picket fence surrounded the brick home.

I think about the experiments the government started over 30 years ago back in 2027 when the accident caused the Noshers to become real. I wasn't even in the world yet but I heard stories from those who did live the Demise. The end of a world is tough when the next is a death trap. I don't understand why the government thought it was a good idea to make a "super soldier". Instead they made a "super cannibal", by accident.

The Noshers first started in the United States, it did work at first making the soldiers strong. Other countries heard about this new drug. They made secret and illegal trades with the U.S. government. The experiment was a mix of bath salts, steroids, and other drugs I can't remember. They called it the American Super Soldier (A.S.S.) since it was the president's idea to create the A.S.S.. The government knew it was a mistake when the U.S. president was consumed by a Nosher.

My mind flashed back to reality when I ran into the white picket fence. Clumsily, I climbed over the fence. I turned around to see what the Noshers did. They didn't go over the fence, smaller ones flew through the boards and the others just pressed their bodies onto the boards until they broke.

The door to the brick house was a bright yellow, so I made a run for it. When I reached the door I pounded on it and tried the handle a couple of times.

"My names Amelia and I need help!" No one answered but I still pounded on the door. "I'm surrounded by Noshers and I'm alone. It can't end like this for me. Please, Please!" I screamed as my eyes teared up.

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