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Griffin Daubney is 16 years old and lives in a small town by lake Sequoia. He has a lot of friends but his best friend is Catlyn Brookes. They have known each other for 11 years and have done everything together forever. Catlyn, apparently had a crush on him for years and when she finally came out and said it Griffin thought, Oh so this is love. and never thought anything different.

He loves dating Catlyn and she's fun to be with but she is the jealous type and hates when Griffin hangs out with his friends that don't have girlfriends because they always seem to be getting into trouble. Griffin has always been willing to let Catlyn be the "leader" of the relationship and certainly doesn't mind being bossed around. I guess you could say it makes their relationship more, exciting. Of course living the fabulous life of Griffin Daubney isn't really all that fabulous. high school is never easy for anyone and when nothing going on in your life makes that much sense, high school ends up to be somewhat of a blurr. 

 Of course it's much easier to withstand than middle school. Now there's a place no one would want to go back to. With everybody experimenting with just about everything, you never really know who your real friends are. Catlyn isn't perfect by any means, but griffin does like having her around. And that fact that they are best friends makes it that much better. 


Catlyn on the other hand is your run of the mill popular girl with a hidden quirky side that only seems to come out around Griffin. They would do everything together as kids but two years ago when everyone seemed to have boyfriends and she didn't, she had to think fast. But she would never ask her real crush on a date. Jackson Adams is the Star of the Lacrosse team, super popular and incredibly handsome. 

So she went to the next best person. Griffin. He of course didn't mind this because Griffin and Catlyn had been friends for so long that this was bound to happen. Everyone was always talking about how they should get together. But there was one person who seemed to disagree with this.  Paxton Killam. He hung out with the bad boys and the cool kids. The popular kids were not a fan and Catlyn never liked him. 

Griffin always wondered why Paxton thought that this relationship would never work out. But he would never listen to Paxton, because there was a rumor that Paxton was gay. no one actually took it seriously. Except Catlyn. She seemed to think anyone who is gay would go to hell. (her family was very catholic) "I've never liked that kid" she would always say. "There's just something sketchy about him. 

Griffin thought differently. He was a supporter of the LGBTQ community. But that was one thing that Griffin would never dare to tell Catlyn. He knew that Catlyn would never be able to understand this kind of thing. And she would dump him immediately. But there was something about Paxton that Griffin wanted to know more about. And that's exactly what he was going to find out.  

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