The Past

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     Milo was just a little cub when he watched fights break out through his pack. His father looked down upon Milo like he was nothing but useless trash. Milo's eyes at that time had been a beautiful amber color and his eyes were full of life. His body was smaller but not the normal size of a regular wolf cub. His mother was a beautiful dark gray color along with her sparkling amber eyes that always glowed when she was angry. She often got angry at Milo's father, Zion, because of what he tried to teach Milo. Zion often tried to teach Milo that everything deserved to be killed because of what they have done. Milo took that to heart and as he grew older his eyes began to shift into a red color but there was no glow to it. Zion had slaughtered Milo's mother with cold dead hatred but if that wasn't bad enough Milo watched the whole thing without flinching. The wolves that came from darker lands strolled into Zion's territory and they walked straight into the heart of the territory. Zion was on top of a rock looking down upon his pack with cold dead eyes when he saw the group of wolves. Their glowing eyes and bulky features made Milo's hackles began to rise as he stood up just out of sight in the dark. Pandora was the leader of the group. Her snow white pelt and glowing yellow eyes pierced through Zion's dark eyes as she let out a heavy growl. Four other wolves flanked her side as she let her canines bare at Zion when his hackles raised. Yuki, a golden brown wolf with crystal like eyes, stood on her left baring her canines. Yuki was the only blind one in the group but she was stronger then the rest. Seth, a strong gray wolf with bright glowing red eyes, stood right beside Yuki letting his growls seep between his canines. Trinity, a bright golden wolf with green glowing eyes, stood on the right of Pandora her canines gleaming in the dim light. Ark, a rough looking dark brown wolf with bright blue glowing eyes, stood o the right of Trinity. Pandora's smug look as she strolled up close to Zion made Milo bare his teeth but he stayed hidden in the shadows. Trinity and Ark strolled around the dens pushing the few wolves out of their hiding spots to be presented to Pandora. Seth and Yuki circled around the wolves and waited for Pandora to give them their orders but she simply stayed close to Zion.

"Oh my Zion," Her soft voice rumbled in her throat almost pure and sweet, "Where is the rest of your pack?"

"Pandora is that any of your concern?" Zion looked at his paws quietly trying to not look her in the eyes.

"Of course it is my concern!" She faked a surprised gasp like snarl, "But where is your little pup?" Her eyes seemed to narrow at the four wolves who sat around Zion's few pack members.

"I don't know." Zion simply said keeping his voice fairly quiet.

Milo stalked out of the shadows his eyes narrowing at the four wolves who snarled at him. He stalked up to stand in front of Pandora challengingly.

"Pandora." His voice was deep and harsh but his movements were swift and calm.

"Milo." Her eyes grew brighter with that harsh yellow glow in her eyes, "Ill be taking him, Zion."

"Who says you'll take me?" Milo challenged Pandora with a wicked glare in his eyes. His muscles shifted noticeably underneath his pelt.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2017 ⏰

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