Chapter 2

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I arrived to my class with six minutes to spare. The rest of my walk to class was me replaying my encounter with Sam about thirty times. He was acting so oddly and I wonder why he had ,one apologized to me and two why he had said what he did after I said goodbye.
He sounded almost seductive?

I think I may know just why he was acting so out of character today. He's a fuckboy, that much everyone knows.
He's practically an open book and has bragged about how many women he has slept with thus far in life.
He's trying to make me is next conquest. Why didn't I think of that before? Silly me. I will obviously continue to be kind to him and keep the peace but I'm not going to allow my guard down with him. I know just what he wants from me and I will not be used like that again.

"Sylvia". I hear a feminine voice say my name in a loud tone that causes me to jump.

I look up and blink a few times trying to clear both my mind and eyes as I focus on the person who had called my name.
My instructor Mrs. O'Connor looks expectantly at me and I just stare back at her in utter confusion plain as day on my face.

"Uh I'm sorry I didn't hear what you said. What was it you said?" I ask hurriedly with embarrassment.

She laughs lightly at me before she repeats her question to which I give her the answer to number three in our anatomy packet for the Nervous System. To save myself any further embarrassment today I focus on my work and my instructor for the remainder of class. I'm a dreamer so it took all I had to not start day dreaming again but I managed to do it.

My last two classes dragged on and on. Both of my instructors lack a sense of humor completely and sound monotone. The subject matter we learn is extremely boring in itself so you can imagine just how slow those classes would drag. I take four classes each day and each class is eighty-four minutes long. Some days it feels as if the time flies right by and other days it feels like an eternity has passed by.

My first class is anatomy and physiology, then nursing science, after that is basic nutrition, and for my last class it's pharmacology. I enjoy anatomy and physiology the most and my instructor Mrs. O'Connor is amazing.

You can laugh and have fun with her unlike my other instructors. I understand this is a serious career but if you can't laugh sometimes how are you going to be a good care provider?

A patient needs to know you care about them and that they can joke with you, as well as see that you're doing your absolute best to help them. It seems like some of my fellow students and instructors have forgotten that.

I don't know, maybe I'm just too caring and compassionate as a person? I try to see the very best in everyone and I will do anything to help someone, even those I don't like. That even includes Kennedie. I may not like her in the slightest but she's still a human being and she deserves to be treated as one. Even if she gives me no respect at all.
Speaking of Kennedie, I can see her and her group of friends just down the hallway. I unfortunately have to go that way and I'm dreading it. I know she won't allow me to just walk by without saying something rude to me. I really wish I knew why she has always hated me so much. I get hating me now because of what happened with my older brother, Dominik but why did she hate from the start? Since my first day of freshman year she has been harassing me and for the life of me I don't understand why. I only spoke to her when I needed to so it's not like I said anything rude to her or even about her. Maybe some people are just miserable.

I inhale a deep breath quickly as I walk down the hallway, toward Kennedie and her friends. I slowly exhale and brace myself for whatever taunt she will say this time if she notices me. I quicken my pace a little so I can get passed them hopefully without them noticing.

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