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hey this is septiplier which is two guys (JackxMark)so if ur not good w that then plz don't read. Thanks in advance! If you are, then enjoy I guess? It's just a one shot, might make more chapters later if i feel like it and make a plot?

"Why are you teaching me this?"

"You will need to know this someday when you are older."

"Why? This isn't even a real language."

"If thinking that will make you feel better, then sure."

"Shouldn't we be more worried about who my soulmate is? The name on my ankle says Jack."

"You'll find him."

My father taught me how to speak in this very weird, very other-worldly language when I was twelve. Now I'm 23 and I still don't know why I needed to know that. Dad has since passed, but he told me to keep everything he taught me at heart - including that language.

I practice it every now and then, so that I always have it fresh in my mind.

I haven't had the chance to practice recently, what with work and such, so I'm a bit rusty.

I'm running very behind on my commissions, people want their photographs developed - and quickly at that. I also have a few photo shoots to finish up.

That day, I was really thirsty and tired, so I jogged to the nearest Starbucks for some caffeine. I walked in, standing in line. When it got to be my turn, I ordered. The cashier was a cute guy with the nametag saying his name was Jack.

No, it couldn't be. He had faded dyed green hair, bright blue eyes, and an amazing irish accent when he talked.

I pulled my wallet out, and dropped it (unintentionally duh).

Without realizing it, I uttered a curse in that language my Father had taught me so many years ago.

I stood normally, and put my wallet on the counter.

"Sorry, I'm really clumsy."

"Y-you're fine. Um.." I put the money in front of him, but he just stared at me.

"Sorry, do I have something on my face? In my beardy stubble?"

"Is your name Mark by chance?"

"Um yeah, how'd you know?" He shrugged, and handing my my coffee, took his apron off.

"Yo boss, I'm leaving. Just found my celery." I could hear squealing in the back, and then the okay to leave. Jack walked out from the back counter, and motioned for me to follow him outside.

Once we got outside, we sat across the street at the park on a bench. He pulled his shirt up a small bit, showing a tattoo on his hip with the name Mark.

I gasped and pulled my jeans up, showing a tattoo with Jack's name on it on my ankle.

"Well, I guess we're soulmates huh?"

"Yeah I guess so."

"You sound disappointed."

"Nah, just out of breath. It's great!"

"I finally understand why my dad taught me that language so long ago."


"So what's with celery?"

"It means I just found my soulmate. Wanna go on a date sometime?"

"I'd love to!" We both laughed, and our hands intertwined with the others. I was finally going to be able to go on dates with someone, aw yiss.

Meeting your Celery // SeptiplierWhere stories live. Discover now