Chapter 3: Allies Divided

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England walks towards a vending machine. He had never really seen them before so he tapped on the glass.

"How the hell do I get something out of here?" England asks himself. He was about to break it open until he heard footsteps behind him.

"Excuse me." A guy resembling Romania says as he walks towards the vending machine.

"The great and powerful, Vladimir.... Needs some peanut butter crackers!" The Romanian says as he puts a coin in the machine.

"Voila!" England sighs as he walks away.

"Prussia is right. I don't know the first thing about this place. If I'm gonna really fit in and win votes, I need to do some research." England says to himself.

"I wonder if this school has a library. And speaking of which... it does!" England walks into the library and looks around.

"Got you're phone?" Peter asks, peaking out from the corner.

"Got yours?" Raivis asks. They both snickered at each other. England sits at the computer screen looking confused.

"What in the bloody hell is this..?" He mutters to himself.

"So I just push the letters here, and then the words and moving pictures will come up here?" England asks. A man resembling Switzerland growls and rolls his eyes.

"That's right..." He said.

"Maybe this place does have magic." England says as he smiles lightly. Little did he know, Peter and Raivis were taking pictures of England awkwardly trying to the work the computer. England gives up and gets up to get some books to study. Peter leaves his legs out and trips England, making all the books drop to the floor. The two boys giggle as they take pictures of him on the ground covered with books. He then goes to the printer and looks at it curiously.

"I wonder if this place takes place in the future.." England mutters, as he presses a button. A flash of light hits him and he fells. Peter and Raivis takes more pictures and high five each other.


"The library will be closing in five minutes." A voice from the speakers said. England sighs and opens up his backpack and takes out a blanket.

"Better sleep here tonight, since there is no where else to go." He told himself. He took out a book he found while he was searching the library. He found a page with a picture of the Allies together.

"That must be Russia, America, Canada, China, and on the far left must be France. It's weird cause they look like their friends, but they don't seem like it now." England says yawning.

"Well I should get some sleep..." He said laying down on the library sofa.


"Good morning, students, and happy Thursday. Just a reminder to pick up your ballots for the King of the Fall Formal today. They are due at the time the dance starts tomorrow night, so don't forget to turn them in and make your voice heard." Principal Roderich says through the speakers. England wakes up and cracks open the door to the hallways. He slowly walks in and the students begin to whisper something as he walks by.

"Hey look!" A student shouts. Everyone starts giggling as they see England walk by. England looked at them with confusion.

"Why is everyone laughing at me!?" England asks, but was suddenly pulled away with force into a classroom.

"What the hell do you think your... France?!" England asks. The guy resembling France takes something out of his backpack and puts on a wig on England.

"Perfect! Oh, yes. This is good! No one will recognize you!" Francis says.

"Why wouldn't I wanna be-" Before he could finish, he heard the door open.

"There you are Arthur!" Yao says as he walks in the classroom.

"So much for the disguise." Francis rolls his eyes.

"I've been looking all over for you!"

"Me too!" Matthew says following him.

"Count me in too!" Ivan smiles and walks in with them.

"Why were you all looking for me? What's going on?" England asks them.

"Oh no, he hasn't seen it yet.." Matthew says nervously.

"Seen what?" Yao takes out his phone and plays a video clip.

"Arthur Kirkland wants to be your Fall Formal King. But what does it say about our school if we give someone like this... such an important honor?" Prussia says in the video. The video shows pictures of England while he was in the library, making England look like he was an idiot.

"I-I.. Has everyone in the school seen this?" England asks. They all nodded.

"What am I gonna do? No one is gonna vote for me after seeing this!"

"Not that it'll make any difference, but I'll still vote for you. You were very nice to me when Gilbert was picking on me yesterday." Matthew says.

"If you still want to run, maybe I can help you out!" Ivan says cheerfully.

"Word of advice, don't trust Ivan, he'll just use you!" Matthew says quietly to England.

"Why do you have to be so awful to me?" Ivan asked sadly.

"Pft! Don't play innocent Ivan! You're not any better than he is!" Francis says as he points to Matthew.

"And what is that supposed to mean?!" Matthew asks angrily.

"I am happy to offer up my assistance as well. To someone who would appreciate what I have to offer!" Francis growled at Matthew. Everyone in the room starts to argue.

"You guys are so immature! Get over it and move on!" Yao shouts.

"You mean like how you've gotten over what happened with Alfred?!" Francis angrily asks.

"He said he get the football team to make a appearance at my bake sell. I tell everybody they're coming, and then not one of them shows up! He made a liar outta me! That's different!" Yao explains.

"Is not!!!" They all shouted at him.

"It is too!" Yao shouts back. They all start to argue constantly around England.

"Stop!!!! All of you!! I wanna show you something!" England shouts. He pulls out a book and flips to the page with all of them together.

"You were friends once!"

"Hmm. The Freshman Fair. You guys remember?" Yao asks. Everyone nods.

"But something happened. I think that something was Gilbert." England says.

"Well that's a very nice theory mon cheri, but Gilbert had nothing to do with it!" Francis said.

"He's right! Gilbert isn't the one who ruined my silent auction for the animal shelter by bringing in stupid Russian party music. It was supposed to be a serious event, but Ivan ruined it!" Matthew says as he rolls his eyes at Ivan.

"What are you talking about? I got a text from you saying you wanted a dance party!" Ivan defended.

"I never send you a text." Matthew looked at him in confusion.

"You didn't?" Ivan asks.

"You don't think he's the one who's been sending me those e-mails, do you? Every time I try to help Matthew bake some pancakes for the party, I get an E-mail from him saying he has plenty of volunteers. And then I find out he's baked all of those pancakes himself!" Francis says.

"I've never send you any e-mails." Matthew says. Yao gasps.

"Maybe he's the reason why Alfred didn't show up for my bake sale!" 

"Did you ever ask Alfred why he didn't show up?" England asks.

"Well, uhh, we kind of stopped talking at all after that." Yao replies nervously.

"Maybe now would be a good time to start." England smiles at him.

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