The Chains

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Chapter Two - Monsters
  I think i passed out because all i remember before i became conscious again was walking into the forest. As I slowly opened my eyes, i realized I  was being dragged. I could not move, i was paralyzed. I tried speaking, but no words would come out. I decided to stop wasting my energy on attempts to move because it was worthless.

      The sticks and rocks i was dragged on would snap. I felt pain everytime i came across another one. The sticks would stab my back , and im pretty sure at one point i started bleeding. The rocks would be underneath my head , making it very uncomfortable. I almost felt like the rocks broke the skin, scraping the skull it was so painful.

      One of the people dragging me had a radar, the radar was in some sort of secret code. After the radar shutup, my feet fell to the ground and I was no longer being dragged. The monster noticed i was awake. When he looked at me, he looked very familiar.    

     The next thing I know is the monster says one word, and I am passed out, but still lightly awake. I am being dragged again and soon enough, I am passed out completely.
         I wake up,  my vision is so blurry I can barely see. I realize I am inside of a building as my vision focused. I was surrounded by very peculiar looking people. I dont even know if i should even call them people. They appeared to be more like ..
monsters ....

Hehe , part three is coming !!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2016 ⏰

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