A Worrors fenural

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this has not been edited yet but will be soon sorry for the mistakes, but people wanted the next chapter so here it is


I woke up slowly my chest hurt and my head was spinney. I opened my eyes and looked around the room I was in. Sitting up I felt a shock of pain rip through my chest. looking down I saw I had long strips of bandages running across me. I counted eight. one for every one of jades claws. I heard water running behind a door to my left and slowly got up to find out what was on. I put a hand to my chest trying not to move to much as I walk across the floor. I had reached the door as the water turned off and the door opened making me stumble back tripping and landing in my ass. pain ripped through my chest I fell back clutching my chest. Alpha mark rushed over and bent down

"you ok zack." the alpha asked

"why does it hurt I thought it was numbed. " I said through clinched teeth

"jades poison wears off. I know how you feel. jade got my back once in the rage about six months ago. the felling is very dis concerning. shes pretty dangerous when shes in the rage." he told me helping me up and walked back to the bed. he pulled the pillows over so i could sit up. then helped me sit back.

"What happened to her? what was that thing?" I asked rubbing my chest.

"Its called the blood rage. Its only been documented about a dozen times in our entire history. jade is the first to have the blood rage in over two thousand years. The reason you've never heard of it happeneing before is because its been a dark secrete of were people for thousands of years. I didn't even know what it was when i first saw it two years ago. i had to go to the king to find out. He only knew that in every documented case its only happened in woman. they must have alpha blood and must be rejected by a mate. Its the reason that we frown apone rejecting a mate so severly. in normal rejecting of your mate it kills both parties the rejecter and the rejected" He explaned

"why keep it a secret if it so dangriouse?" i asked

"can you imagine what would happen if this got out. Alphas would reject there mates just to see if they could have that altimit power. Jades is the altimit power of were creature. The rage its self is so powerful that it can kill her. How this happens could never get out. it would disroy ballence to our people. In old times if a women was found to have the rage, she was killed. the king was very ready to kill her but i ashered him that i thought we could contane her when it happens and so fare we have."

"I did that to her. I made her that monster." i was horified about what my actions have caused her the pain i made her indure.

"yes you did. thats one of the reasons she never returned and unfortanitly when her mother to visit that one time she came right after we had a rogue attack that morning, and jade went into the blood rage. we had to lock her away to keep people from getting hurt but for her mother we had to tell her jade didnt want to see her. I hated having to lie to her own mother to protect her. " he looked down in shame.

"can it be fixed alpha?" i asked looking at him

" we dont know." he said honistly. " the blood rage is very difficult to understand or even deal with. you see jade is so strong not in body but in mind that when you recjected her, her human mind was fine. in other people who have a weaker mind it would have pulled them apart. you went into a very deep depression after rejecting her. your wolf wouldt have anything to do with you. it was ashamed to have a human so nieve, and follish. you suffered for your mistakes. but jade was fine. she took your rejection and walked away. that is what hurt her. you see in normal people a rejection like that tears them to peaces like it did you. in jade, her human mind was not pulled apart it was fine, but her wolf was. its sort like split persality disorder. jades wolf was split into two. the one we normaly see the happy loveing wolf but then theres the other the rage. the one that holds all of jades fear and hate. Every time jade is scarried or hurt the rage comes. jade didnt want her fathers pack. she was scarried to face those people again so the rage took over. though i was very supprised when it spoke to you. we have never heard it talk before. "

Rejected! And I'm the alphas daughter ( on hold )Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora