The Youtube Couple + Warning

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Hey guys! More updates here.
The Youtube Couple is going to have a TsukiHina flashback chapter + a new character. I'm currently designing Tsukishima, Hinata and the other character (be aware they are from Haikyuu!!) But two chapters will be late. One of them is going to be comedy and the other one will be a New Years/Christmas special. They're going to be late so I'm really sorry //bows down 90 motherfucking degrees// anyway, I also have a complaint. You guys just read my stories and leave. You do not even care to leave a like or a comment, it really irritates me because in some chapters I put effort in and I take my time and you guys just read it and don't even bother to comment that you enjoyed it. If this keeps on going, I will discontinue The Captivating Forest, The Youtube Couple and Hollow Affection. Anyway, happy holidays I guess.

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