im sad

22 2 23

k so sad vent time ready go

i was watching les mis and the part came on with the boys and the french soldiers and gavroche and all the stuff after that and my mind started to wander
i just started thinking on it and even started crying  and i'm still crying actually.. but i just realized, you never know how soon you can lose it all, your friends your family, even your life
you never know what can happen in life, or how you'll turn out when your older or if you're even gonna be able to grow old and i started thinking of all my friends and how great they've been to me and how they put up with all my bullshit and i got real sad, if i wasn't sad before, i am now, holy crap nuggets, because i never know when i could lose them, when they could stop putting up with me and my nonsense or when we just stop interacting all together and i get really scared and sad about that and i just wanna say thank you for putting up with me thus far
(you guys know who you are)
((holy cricket that rhymed, i am a pOET--))

k well sad stuff over
might delete this later idk

k bai, sorry to come along and ruin your day/night (−_−;)

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