Lethal Memories

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Hey guys sorry I haven't posted in a while, just got off not long ago. Not to mention I'm in a writing funk, but I will post a few things to make up for my absence. Thanks for sticking with me and enjoy!

Wrote this with the song Far from home by Five Finger Death Punch. It's a good song and I think it might go well with this
This is my entry for Madameazzure's Noblesse December Event ( Thanks Btw for including me :) )

Warning! Feels trip ( possibly), Death mentions with slight fluff in the end

The rain had started not long ago. Its light mist seemed refreshing. Takeo stood on the balcony, deep in sorrowful thoughts. The rain seemed to depress him further as his guilt came forth.

    He had a lot to be guilty for, more so than Tao. The others he wasn't sure about, so he wouldn't include them. Ever since he would remember, he was experimented on, or killing others. Although, it's not like he had all of his memories in the first place so he couldn't be totally accurate.

All it seemed he received from the Union was his eyesight far beyond what humans could obtain naturally. His strength the same as his eyes. Oh, he couldn't forget the memories he lost and the ones he wished to lose.

    The weight in his coat pocket brought even more sadness to him. The gun he carried around suddenly felt unnaturally heavy. It bothering him for it was usually nothing more than a heavy paper weight.

But, the lives his guns, in general, laid waste to was an amount he wished not to think about. The blood he shed with one bullet would be enough to fill the ocean twice over. The amount of armies killed for nothing else other than the Union wished them to be dead. He followed those orders to the final and smallest detail given to him.

Ironic that the softie, as Tao jokingly calls him, of the group would shed the blood of another if ordered. He always made it look effortless. That it has no effect on his soul at all, for in the Union, you were nothing but a soldier who did the Unions bidding.

He feels the effects of each death, knowing how each looked in their final moment. He saw each face flash in his scope, as if the universe wished those souls to haunt the only memories he has.

All the faces of those he killed on order didn't hurt as bad as the others. He knows it's all wrong, but he just couldn't help it. Orders were orders. If you didn't follow them, you were as good as dead. Might as well as have put a bullet in his own skull. That is if he was stupid enough to disobey an order. Unfortunately, it was them or him. At the time, when he thought he had a sister, he did what he had to do. Duty helps the guilt ever so slightly.

Those faces died out of his vision as he was lulled out of his musings by the sound of the pain that had grown into nothing but a backdrop to his thoughts. His face still in a frown, the air showing his depressed mood. This was visible by just how he was standing against the railing, his arms getting wet, but he couldn't bring himself to care.

The rain had picked up along with the wind. The wind was bitter cold as it was now late fall, snow should be heading their way soon if the forecasters were correct. The dark sky mirrored his mood.

The guilt he felt increased as the rain increased. Like waves playing along with the rhythm somehow given off by the moon. Increased as if it were two sorrowful synchronized dancers to a sad tune.

While he may have been involved in the direct deaths that his old occupation made him do, the others was all on him. If not for his own stupidity and falling for his human need for social interaction, none of them would have died. All of the families who lost their loved ones far too soon was because of him. Death loomed over him and the fate of those he talked to.

Lethal memoriesWhere stories live. Discover now