Chapter one- Annas Story

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"Your not born damaged, People make you damaged."

I've never had what people would say a "normal life." for as long as i can remember my father was abusive. He was always drunk or stoned or sometime he was both. Very rare was he sober and it was even more rare for him to acknowledge my existence. See i was born a girl when he wanted a boy. mum told me he was so angry he couldn't even look at me for a week. I don't remember him being around much when i was little but what i do remember is what i wish to forget.

One afternoon when i got home from school mama met me at the door and told me to go to the park and stay till she came and got me. I knew that must of meant dad was home cause she always told me to leave when he was. i got to the park in around 5 minutes and played on the equipment and swings till it was late and getting dark. But mum did not come.

When i became really cold i decided i will go home to mum so i walked down the road and knocked on the door quietly, but no one answered. I opened the door and called out but i couldn't hear or see her anywhere. Where was she?

When i walked up the stairs to her room i noticed blood on the stairs. i was so scared for her. Mums bedroom light was off and the door closed but i heard crying so i slowly walked up and opened it to see mummy lying on the ground with dad leaning over crying and begging for her to wake up. I started crying, my mind was telling me to run but my feet wouldn't listen so i just stood there watching my dad grab and pull at the lifeless body trying to wake her up. But when he realized she wouldn't he got up off the floor,packed his bags walked over to me and told me it was my fault and walked out the door and as i stood there with tears running down my face i realized for once believed him.

When the police arrived they walked in to see a child sitting in a corner with the phone in her hand and a body lifeless on the ground a few feet away from her. From what i remember they put my mum in a bag and carried her out of the house and into an ambulance to be taken away. I was sent to pack my bags and follow a man to his car where he took me to an orphanage where i was to spent the remainder of my childhood.

My father never returned and i never saw him again.

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