Chapter 2- Zeros story

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"sometimes all we need is a smile to brighten our rainy day."

When I was six i was awoken in the night by my mum and dad in the bathroom yelling and screaming at each other. I quietly got up and sat on the end of my bed. I could see them in the hallway now where they were still screaming at each other. Watching the two people i loved most and needed broke my heart and i couldn't help but sit there and cry watching the event unfold before me. Suddenly mum came into my room,  turned the light on and started throwing some my clothes in a bag ready to leave but before she could my dad said he would leave. Mum replied then don't come back so he packed everything he owned into his car and left my mother, my little brother and I alone.

About a year later we found out he sold the house out from under us and so that started my journey of moving around while mum found work and a new life while i felt like i was always being stuffed around by everyone. 

I now suffer from Depression and Anxiety but i am making it through okay. i have been damaged but i am slowly sticking myself back together again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2017 ⏰

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