Chapter 7

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Naruto's POV

It's been a week since I last saw Hinata. I want to say sorry to her. That's why I'm here outside of their gate. I called her number.

"Hey. I'm here in front of your house, can we talk?" Without saying anything, she hanged up the phone.

I put my forehead on the steering wheel. Ugh. She's still angry to me. I raised my head when I heard their gate is opening. I saw her went out. Immediately, I went out of the car.

"What are you doing here?" she said in a cold tone. "I came here to apologize about what happened last week. I know, I shouldn't have yelled at you. It's just that I'm stressed and many things happened that day. I'm sorry." I looked down. She walked pass me and open the door in the passenger.

"Apology accepted." She said with a beautiful smile. "Can you take me somewhere? I don't want to stay home. Please."

"Of course." I went to the driver's seat. "Since I've yelled at you, I'm going to make it up to you." She laughed. "You should be."


We went first to Ichiraku ramen shop, to take out some ramen and gyoza. And then we went to a place that is important to me.

We were sitting here on the grass eating the ramen and gyoza that we bought. We were quiet while eating and then she spoke. "So, you're my best friend's fiancé." She smiled while looking straight. I did the same.

"Yes, I am. And Toneri and you had a past." We looked at each other. Then we laughed. "Yes, we had." She answered.

We continued eating. "How did the Shion and you met?" I asked her.

"Well, I was brought to a meeting when I was young. The meeting's venue was at their mansion. And there we've met each other and played. We share the same interests in life, we love to take pictures. I guess you already know that." I nodded.

"I remember when we met each other, she took a photo of me and then she said that she likes me." I chuckled as I remember that.

"I rejected her first. Because I already like someone that time. But I also got rejected by the girl I like. Then Shion saw me at the back of our school and she tried to comfort me. And after that happened, we became close to each other. Then the rest is history." I smiled and then turned to her. She staring at me intently.

She looked away but focused to her ramen. "Wow. I can't believe you rejected her. Did you know she went home crying, after you rejected her?" I laughed while shaking my head. "I guess she really likes me."

We became quiet for a minute.

"How did you and Toneri meet?"

"My dad introduce him to me when we were 10 years old. To be honest, we don't really like each other. We're always fighting. There would be no day without us fighting. At the age of sixteen, I don't know what happened but he confessed to me. And it took me a month to reply back." She laughed. "We got together when I was 17 years old and his 19 years old. But certain things happened, we broke up when I'm 20 years old." She said.

We stayed silent again after she narrates her story.

"Where's you parents?" She asked. "They're at the other country they have to take charge our company there." I saw her nodded. We stayed silent again.

Then I felt something cold, drop on my hands. "Hey is it snowing?" I asked. She laughed. "Yes. It is. Wow, this is awesome." She stood up. "Good thing I asked you to take me somewhere or else I wouldn't have experienced the first snow in december."

It's my turn to laugh. "You look like a child." She glared at me. Without her noticing I took her a photo in my phone. She really looks like a kid.


We went inside of my car. And the two of us has a red nose. Both of us laughing because of our noses.

I've never laughed like this since that day.

I stopped laughing and then turned serious. "Say, Hinata, do you know where your best friend is?" She stopped laughing too. "I don't." She looked down. "But I'm still looking for her. She's my best friend after all." I looked down. "Don't worry, I'll tell you if I found her." She tapped my shoulder.

"Thank you, Hinata. You're really a good person." I smiled at her. She giggled. "Hey, can we go somewhere?"

"Where?" "Do you like children?" I nodded. "Come on, start the engine. I'll lead you there."


We're here at the orphanage. As soon as she walked inside, most of the children came to her.

"Hi, everyone! How are y'all doing?" She asked them. "We're all fine, Hinata-neesan." One girl came to her then hugged her. "Oh. Good, good. Everyone, I would like you guys to meet, Naruto. Say hello to him, children." She said.

"Hello, Naruto-niisan." All of them said. Hinata seems very close to them. "Hi, children! It's nice to meet you all. I hope we can be all friends." I said while smiling. A boy raised his hand. "Say, Naruto-niichan, are you dating Hinata-neesan?" He asked then all of the children teased us. Hinata and I laughed. "What's your name boy?" "Konohamaru."

"Well, to answer your question, no, we're just friends." All of them nodded.

A lady came out telling them it's time to eat. Hinata walked to her. "Shizune-san. It's been a while." She hugged her.

"Hinata. How are you? It's been a month since you came here." She said. Hinata shrugged with a smile on her face. "Never been better. I brought someone here today. I would like you to meet, Naruto Uzumaki." She looked at me asking if I could walk close to then. I did.

"Uzumaki? The owner of the Uzumaki Hospitals?" She said in shocked. I chuckled. "That would be me, ma'am." She extends her hand to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you." "The pleasure's mine."

"So Hinata, how long are you going to stay here?" She asked Hinata. "I don't actually have a specific time." "Well, you can stay here as long as you like. You know how much the kids love you, right?" She and Shizune laughed. "I guess I know."

"I have to get going. I have stuff to do. Bye, Hinata. And Naruto, It's nice to meet you." I smiled at her.

3rd Person's POV


"Your case is getting worse. You should stop whatever your doing when you're outside the house."

The lady said. "If your smoking or drinking alcohols, you should stop." She stop for a second. "Please tell me you're not drinking nor smoking."

"I'm not drinking alcohols nor smoking. I just want to live my life to the fullest."

The lady put her hand on the girl's head. "I know you want to have a normal life. But you can't do that anymore."

The girl put her head low. "Okay, doc. I will take care of myself from now on."

The lady smiled and hugged the girl. "I know you will. You're strong."

"You're a very strong girl,


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