Pretend Girlfriend

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"Rose,darling!There you are!" Hawk exclaimed

"Uh what??"

"I told you not to wait for me,honey" The Snowwhite said ignoring her question.He made his way to Rose and draped his arm around her.Which made Rose even more confused

"Hawk,what are you doing?"

"Shh,just go with it"He replied.He looked back behind him as if expecting someone there.

Rose looked at the direction he was looking and saw a beautiful princess with short brown hair wearing a beautiful yellow gown with brown lace on them,but she did not look happy.She seemed the opposite of that.Rose could see that she was glaring at them,at her,while stomping her foot,rapidly.As they walk away from the angry princess and to one of the school's benches,Rose took the arm around her shoulders and stepped in front of Hawk so they were face to face

"Care to explain?"

Hawk rubbed the back of his neck as if complicating whether to tell her or not

"You see.."He started.Rose raised her eyebrows,urging him to go on

"I kinda told that girl"he said while pointing to the said princess who had gone off but still in view,which also happens to be the angry princess that was glaring at them"that you were sort of my girlfriend"he finished,eyes avoiding hers

It took a moment for her to realized what he said.


Hawk covered her mouth quickly before she said anything else

"Why would you do that??Last time I checked I'm not your girlfriend.We're barely even friends!"

"I wouldn't say we're barely friends-"

"Hawk"She warned

Hawk sighed.

"Okay okay,you see,Brooke"pointing to the princess yet again"has always had a crush on me ever since we were little.Grandma would always arrange play dates for us when we were kids"

Rose nodded head to tell him to go on

"I haven't seen her in a long time because she lives on earth with her parents,like you.Long story short,her crush on me didn't exactly go away.I don't mean to be rude but she's obsessed with me!Ask Specchio he'll agree!"

Rose rolled her eyes at this

"Well,what does any of this have to do with me?"Rose said

"She's been following me around all day,more than Ruby ever did!And Grandma doesn't seem to care seeing she's the one who arrange her trip here"He sighed."Point is the only way for her to get of my back was to let her know that i' know..taken"

"And you couldn't oh I don't know,ask Astoria to be your girlfriend??"The blonde beauty said quoting the word "girlfriend"

"You know how Astoria is!She'd never agree to it."He reasoned.It was true though.

"Fine,you do have a point"

"So,uh..can you please be my pretend girlfriend?" He pleaded

Rose looked at him and it did seem that he was desperate

"Oh alright"She gave in."How long do I have to be this pretend girlfriend?An hour?A day?"

"More like...a week" He said sheepishly

"A WEE-" She yelled but Hawk covered her mouth before the entire school heard her screaming

"She'll be her for a week,didn't I mentioned that?"Rose glared at him before he continued

"Oh come on,Rose!Besides,all we gotta do is hold hands,act like we're in love and all those other couple-y things!It'll be a piece of cake"

"I hope you're right"


He was somewhat right.It was easy being a "couple".Holding hands,gazing in each others eyes.What wasn't easy was receiving all the deadly look from all of his admirers.They were somehow baffled of the thought of Hawk having a girlfriend.And being said girlfriend was Rose,that really shocked them.Including their friends.But after a brief discussion,with a bit of Astoria's nagging of Hawk's childishness and an annoyed groan from Travis,it all went well.

And the rest of the week did too.They actually pulled of being a fake couple.They would be caught seeing holding hands,laughing together,they were basically inseparable for a whole week.One of the things that he did was he would always save a seat for Rose in every class.Not that he didn't before,but its difference this time.At least thats what Rose says everytime she enters the class and see Hawk waving at her and patting the seat next to him.And their lunchtime routine changed too.Usually,Joy and Rose would bring all the food to the table since Astoria would be busy studying,Hawk would be to busy with his fangirls and Travis would just be lazy.But to pull the charade off,Hawk would be the one accompanying Rose to get food.Not only that,but he'll carry them all,much to Rose's disapproval.And also he'll go to her favourite garden at Regal Academy during their free period.This was a new thing though.She would always bring Joy and Astoria here.Sometimes even Travis.But never Hawk (mind you he has a lot of damsels to rescue in a day) And this..this felt nice.Being with Hawk felt nice.She was to busy looking at the flowers that she didn't notice he was staring at her the whole time they were there

And about the Brooke situation,they got that covered.Everytime they saw Brooke,Hawk's hand immediately found Rose's which immediately made her face turn red."This is not real,its just pretend" She would repeat over and over in her head.But some part of her can't deny that she wants it to be real.Long story short by the end of the week,Rose and Hawk were practically a real couple.Which sets a little bit of confusion for the rest of the group.

The so called "fake couple" were making their way towards their friends and when they got there confused faces were met with one another

"What's wrong?" Hawk asked

"You do know Brooke already left,right?"Travis responded

"Yeahh.."The blue haired boy answered back,not getting it

"Then why are you two still holding hands?"The beast asked pointing at their intertwined hands

Both of them looked at their hands and blushed.They quickly pulled away and looked everywhere but the person next to them

"Uh..old habits die hard,you know?"Hawk said,scratching the back of his neck

"Yeah totally!...totally agree with you"The blonde joined her friend,chuckling nervously

"Mmm hmm whatever you say"Travis hummed and got back to his sketching

While the others weren't looking,somehow their hands found its way back to each other again


There you go!A Hase oneshot,just like I said.Sorry if my writing is a bit off in this story,but I hope you enjoyed it!Next up will be mostly about friendship more that a ship.Probably gonna write more Astoria and Rose though (sorry i just love my babies so much) btw THANK YOU FOR OVER 100 READS I SERIOUSLY DID NOT EXPECT THAT ily guys♡♡

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