[ CHAPTER--FOUR: Thoughts ]

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"What are you thinking of?"

Max turns onto his side. A more accurate phrase would be: flops onto his side. His smile is too wide on his face, but he's beautiful. His eyes sparkle in the light, his coloured hair hanging over his forehead.

"I have a lot to think about," he purrs. He wriggles on the sheets. There's not much room on his twin bed, but somehow they fit.

Yale rolls his eyes. He's got his copy of Moby Dick in his lap -- because, unlike Max, he's a good student. "I hope you're thinking about Ms Danielson's class because it is tomorrow."

"Oh, come on," Max whines. He hooks his legs over Yale's, pulling the other closer. "Let's do that later. Leslie's class is boring as fuck."

Yale raises an eyebrow. "You call her by her first name?"

Max just shrugs. "We're pretty close."

"She hates you."

"And I hate her. Look--" In a few quick moves, Max is straddling Yale. He presses a kiss to the side of his boyfriend's lips. "I promise I'll write my damn paper later."

Max opens his mouth, clearly expecting a retort that requires a comeback. All Yale does is pull him down for a kiss.

Moby Dick was getting boring anyway.

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