Chapter 23: Rule Number 351

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Andrew instinctively stepped in front of me in a protective stance. The dark figures, identified as a pack of wild dogs, moved towards us stealthily.

"I thought they were more afraid of us than we were of them," I murmured, not looking away from the lead dog who growled menacingly.

Andrew didn't reply, just backed up so he was shielding me with his body. I tried to move away slowly, but the dogs continued to descend on us. A shot suddenly sounded and the dogs scurried away as quickly as they had arrived, tails tucked between their legs.

Andrew let out a breath and turned to me. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah," I shrugged my shoulders and turned to where I had heard the shot. "Jet, what are you doing out in the woods with a gun?" I watched him wide-eyed.

"I was looking for Claire and I knew that wild dogs sometimes prowl the woods at night," Jet spoke worriedly.

"You knew that and you left Claire in the woods?" I growled, sounding much like the pack of wild dogs.

Andrew looked at me sympathetically. "He probably assumed Claire would go home before then," he offered gently, but I turned away and stalked the opposite way in which the dogs had come.

I began to shout her name continuously and heard Jet and Andrew join me. I heard a stiffled whimper a few minutes later and swung around to search out the sound.

"Claire?" I murmured. Huddled between two trees was a small figure, shaking visibly.

"Li?" The muffled reply sent me into a worrysome frenzy and I flung myself at her, hugging her tightly.

"Clai, I thought I would never see you again. What happened? Are you alright? Where have you been? You're not hurt, are you?" I spewed out more questions than could be answered and helped pull Claire into a standing position.

"Alli. Alli, I'm alright. I was just scared," Claire paused, noticing that more people were with me before continuing, "There were these dogs and they were really aggressive and they were blocking my way out of the woods. I couldn't get out so I hid, but they still wouldn't leave." Claire looked slightly distressed.

Jet stepped in and I backed up as he wrapped his arms around her and murmured something about being sorry into her ear. Jet didn't let go of her and they continued to hug; it was seeming to soothe Claire.

Andrew stood somewhat stiffly by my side and I looked up at him, the weight of how I had treated him becoming unbearable. His brown eyes met mine and he smiled uncertainly.

"Are you going to be alright now Alli? You're not cold are you?" Andrew looked worried and he eyed the jacket he had wrapped around me earlier.

I tugged the jacket tighter around me and shook my head lightly. Andrew turned his head again to watch Claire and Jet.

I took in a deep breath, "Look Andrew," Andrew turned to watch me, the shadows hiding his expression, "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I was really being a jerk to you today. I shouldn't of yelled at you--"

Andrew tried to stop me, but I cut him off, stuttering severely. "I guess I just wanted someone to be mad at because Claire was missing...and it wasn't your fault," I paused, voice softening, "I tried so hard to make you mad, Andrew. But I couldn't. You were just there for me no matter how mean I was." I blinked the tears from my eyes before they were able to form.

Before I knew what was happening Andrew was enveloped me in a hug and he held me tightly to keep me from pulling away.

His voice was muffled in my hair, "I knew you were upset, Alli. I just want to be there for you and I will...always." I tried to hide the sob that unexpectedly came from me.

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