Chapter 1: The Mystery Man

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Elena's POV

I came to up to the gate of Bree, where I was supposed to meet Gandalf the Grey. It was a dark, rain-filled night.

When he told me to make for the village of Bree outside of Rohan, I figured that I would be handling something that was beyond reckoning, like ever. It made me only slightly twitchy just thinking about it. I lost what my trail of thought when I was in front of the gate. The man behind it opened a small door, which revealed his face. "What do you what?" "I'm headed for the the Prancing Pony." He opened the door and said, "I say, a young woman! What business brings you to Bree?" "I wish to stay at the Inn. My business is my own," I said. He nodded his head, saying, "Alright, young miss, I meant no offence. It's my job to ask questions after nightfall. There's talk of strange folk abroad. Can't be too careful," the gatekeeper added after he let me through.

I wandered down the main path through Bree, being careful to keep my hood up and receiving odd stares from the men around me. I looked up at the sign that hung over a door, in which light escaped along with laughter. The sign said the Prancing Pony. I walked through the door into a simple pub, with many men drinking and eating at several small tables and the counter.

"Excuse me sir," I politely asked the Innkeeper. "Is Gandalf the Gray staying here? I need to speak with him." "Unfortunately, my lady, I haven't seen him for six months." I walked away from the counter, pulling off my hood, and looked around the pub. Although there were many people, my elven sight saw a man smoking a pipe near the window. He fit the description Gandalf gave me of the man I was supposed to meet. Even though his hood was up, I could tell that he had the slightest hint of a beard and dark hair. A sword hung at his side, it's handle glinting in the dim light. It seemed like he was waiting for something to happen. Or for someone to arrive.

I crept my way through the crowd toward him. It was relatively easy, given nobody was actually paying attention to me. I stopped in front of the table that the man was sitting at. "Is this seat taken?" He looked up from the door and shook his head. I slid into the seat opposite him, keeping a close eye on the door. The second I sat down, the door opened and four Hobbits came inside. Three of them I recognized as Meriadoc Brandybuck, Peregrin Took, and Frodo Baggins. The last Hobbit, I couldn't put my finger on what his name was.

"Were you waiting for them to arrive?" the man asked. I nodded my head, looking at the Hobbits talk to the Innkeeper. They seemed to be asking the same question I had about Gandalf. Their reaction was the same as my own. "I never heard your name." I looked back at the man and said, "My name's Elena. Elena Riverdale. And yours?" "Aragorn, son of Arathorn," he replied. I smiled a bit, saying, "Nice to meet you, Aragorn."

Aragorn looked behind me with a bit of shock. I looked back and saw what the shock was about. Frodo was on the ground and the Ring was sliding onto his finger. And he disappeared! I stood up so fast, the chair fell over. Aragorn stood up as well.I scanned the pub for Frodo, but Aragorn seemed to know where he was before me.

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