Chapter one

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Spongebob knelt in the pews, his hands clasped in prayer. His grandmother had just died. He whispered a final prayer for his dear departed and prepared to leave when he heard a voice behind him. "Do not fret my son". The voice was silky and angelic. Spongebob looked back, there he saw a beautiful man. Long silky hair, chocolate brown eyes, clothed in pure white. The strange man slowly made his way to the yellow sponge. Spongebob said nothing, but his eyes sparkled in wonder of the beautiful stranger. The man got close and softly spoke, "She is in a better place. I will guide her there."--and with that, he was gone.

Spongebob's  heart was racing. Who was that man? How did he just disappear?

Spongebob x Jesus  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن