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"Okay everyone,"said miss Sophie, the history teacher," lets continue Megalithic Europe. as I told you in the last class megalithic builders also constru....."                                                                                              

 And soon Aria drifted away to the thoughts of what happened last evening, though she only had a faint recollection of what had happened. Today  morning when she got up her head had felt dizzy. It felt better after a little snooze, but not entirely.                                                                                                                        

  She was so engrossed in her thoughts that when the teacher threw a chalk at her to grab her attention,  Aria almost ricocheted from her chair! She could hear everyone giggling and chuckling.                          

 "Knock, KNOCK!", barked miss Sophie, stressing on the last knock,"Miss Aria, what is a Barrow?'                                                                                                                                                                          

Aria replied," an ancient burial ground."                                                                                                                    

"can you be little more specific as to giving a little reference from the TEXT!"                                                

  "Long passage like chambers lined with megaliths & buried under a mound of earth." with a slight hint of irritation and innocence in her tone.                                                                                                

"Please concentrate ,okay? Now sit."                                                                                                                      

 Just as Miss Sophie finished her sentence the bell rang for lunch. everyone rushed out of the class.

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