Logan- Chapter #24

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"We're gathered here today to join the matrimony of two businesses."
My father Greg Bennett sits with the founder of Synch? Louis Michaels at the end of the long table.
"Two rival successful business that's had more in common then we realized when we started it a few years ago, isn't that right, Louis?" My father elbows Louis playfully in the ribs and we laugh.
"I don't think we could think of a better collaboration even if we tried. If the world thought that we were unstoppable before, we'll they haven't seen a damn thing yet." My father says excitedly to the group of us, and cheers and laughter goes around the long table.
"Raise your glasses, to Synch and Bennett's Incorporated the perfect marriage!"
We all clink glasses and I lock eyes with Genesis across the table and she smiles at me.
I smile back and tap my watch, and she nods and motion for me to follow her as she gets up out of her seat.I stand up too, and we're in the midst of making a clean getaway when Louis stops us.
"Genesis, Logan where are you going?" He asks and everyone turns their attention to us. "Do you really think we're going to let you guys leave, without hearing from our two CEOs now fighting on the same team?" He laughs. "Cmon, speech!"
And everyone else joins in with the chanting.
I laugh and shrug and turn to Genesis.
"Of course not." I motion for Gen to continue. "Genesis, want to start?"
"Yeah," she says before shooting me a look. "Thank you. And we're happy to see where this company goes in the future."
The table is silent and she turns to me. I shrug. "I couldn't agree more." Picking my glass up off the table I raise it above my head. "To the company!"
"To the company!" They all cheer and began to down their drinks.
Genesis and I once again make a getaway to the door.
"Don't you guys want to stay for dessert?" Louis yells.
"No thanks, we really have to go!" Genesis throws over her shoulder.
"What could possibly be more important than this moment right now?" Louis asks.
"It's our daughters birthday today!" I say and the excitement in my voice is involuntary.
"She's turning two!" Genesis yells back. "But we'll see you first thing in the morning 10am sharp! Great party, thanks!" She throws over her shoulder one last time as I drag her out before we are sucked into another speech.
"Take lots of pictures and tell my granddaughter that I love her!" My dad yells as we race through the dining hall.
"Will do!" Genesis and I yell in unison.
We speed walk down the hall, Genesis stopping briefly to take off her heels, changing into her flats in one motion.
"Did you get the balloons?" She asks me as we reach my car in the parking garage.
"I thought you were getting balloons," I say as we both get in.
"No, I told you this morning  to get the balloons Logan, because I wouldn't have time to later." She clicks her seatbelt as she turns to me. "You don't remember that?"
I think back to this morning. "I remember balloons..." I say, as I pull out of the parking
garage. "Are you sure I agreed to that?"
Genesis nods. "Yes. I said Logan remember to get balloons for Rae's party this evening, and you said-and I quote- Mhmm."
"Um, Genesis," I ask, because I was suddenly gaining clarity on the situation. "Did you by any chance ask this question while your nipple was in my mouth this morning?"
Her silence answers my question. "Maybe." She admits after a minute.
"Welp." I stop at a red light and turn to her.  "I'm sorry to break it to you honey, but when my mouth is anywhere on your body and your talking at the same time, if it isn't dirty talk or my name, I tune it out."
She rolls her eyes as we start moving again. "You could've just asked me to stop talking."
"I don't like to talk when my mouth is full," I say winking at her. And she tries to scowl at me before she gets tired and break into a smile.
"Fine. Well, we need balloons."
"Roger that." I say and turn on the street to the grocery store.
"Bye Uncle Logan," Skai and Hazel wave to me as they begin to make their way out the door.
"Um, where are my hugs?" I say. And I smile as they groan. Now fourteen, the twins believed showing affection was no longer cool, so of course I made it a point to demand some as much as possible.
Dani laughs, and she motions to her daughters, "Give your uncle a hug."
They come, reluctantly, and I squeeze them tight until they shriek with both embarrassment and laughter.
"Put us down," they cry in unison and I do.
Skai's hand immediately goes to her hair. "You messed up my bun, Uncle Logan."
Hazel rolls her eyes.
Dani comes over and gives me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you later, tell Genesis I'll call her."
"I'll drive you guys home." The offer doesn't come from me, but my brother who has been waiting patiently in the distance.
"That's ok, my friend has agreed to drive us while my car is in the shop." Dani says.
Elliott shrugs. "Cmon, it's just a ride home."
Dani pauses for a second before breathing out.
They stand there like that for a minute, before Hazel breaks the silence.
"So are we leaving or..."
"Yes, get in the car." Dani says and Follows them outside, Elliott trailing close behind.
I'm not exactly sure what happened between the two of them since we found out about their feelings for each other a couple of years ago. They still spoke when they saw each other but they were always making an excuse to never be in the same room. I never brought it up. I figured when they were ready to talk they would.
As I say my final goodbyes, I close the door behind them and sigh in despair at the mess in front of me. Toys, gift wrapping, cake was scattered all over the floor. Courtesy of the six toddlers that had come to accompany Raelynn on her birthday.
I start to walk and immediately step on something hard and plastic that punctures my foot.
"Fuck!" I yell as I pick up my foot to reveal a blue leggo. I pick it up and throw it, and rub my sore foot. "Goddammit, why does that shit hurts so much?"
As I put my foot down, I hear Genesis yell.
"Raelynn come back here!" followed by feet racing down the stairs.
At the same time, Raelynn races around the corner in nothing but her pull-up, icing on her face and in her hair gleefully giggling.
She stops when she sees me, grinning still.
I grin back.
Smiling, I match her look and her stance.
She laughs and throws her head back and run straight towards me, arms out.
I run towards her, getting to the middle much faster then her little legs could carry her, and like I've done a million times, I swing her into my arms, over my head, onto my shoulders, sitting her  comfortably onto my neck. Rae gaggles with delight.
At two years old, Raelynn hadn't spoken any words yet just a series of gaggles and gestures, that Genesis and I had learned to read. After numerous tests, the doctors all said that Raelynn would speak when she was ready and in the meantime continue to communicate with her.
There was an ongoing bet between the families on what her first words would be, and each day Rae didn't talk, we added money to the Bet Jar. So far, it was up to 600$ and we all waited patiently for my little princess to speak up so that one of us could collect the reward.
Genesis comes down the stairs, and as we had done many times, Raelynn and I immediately place our hands over our eyes.
'Hiding from Bathtime' was a thing that happened at least three times a week: Genesis would start running Raelynn's bath water while    Rae was in the room. Rae would run, and find me and we would stand in the middle of the room with our hands over our eyes until Genesis came to find us.
When she was younger it was easier to catch her, because she couldn't crawl very fast. But once she started walking, then running, Raelynn had become even more great at getting away from being clean, wiggling out of grasps and forcing herself into small spaces until sufficient bribery was used to get her out.
I thought it was hilarious.
But Genesis, wasn't so amused.
I hear Genesis come around the corner, and though I can't see her, I can hear the exasperated look on her face.
"Logan she's never going to take a bath if you keep encouraging her that it's ok to be dirty." Genesis says.
I put my hands down and place them on Raelynn's legs to keep her steady while she's on my shoulder.
"What am I supposed to say no, when she runs to me and smiles, expecting me to catch her?" I laugh. "She's too damn cute."
Genesis raise an eyebrow. "Fine, then you bathe her. I'm going to clean the kitchen."
I take Rae off my shoulders and see that she still has her hands over her eyes. I tap gently on her forehead and she smiles and giggles again as I hold her in front of me and place a plethora of kisses onto her cheek while following Genesis into the kitchen.
I place Rae down, and she runs up to Genesis who is washing dishes at the sink, and wraps her little arms around Genesis legs into a hug. She looks up at Gen, and Gen smiles back down at her.
"Awwe, see, she's sorry." I say. "See mom she just like to have a little fun before bath time."
I wink at Rae. "Right, baby girl?"
Genesis shakes her head and continues washing dishes. I walk up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist. Kissing her neck.
"You mad at me?"
I ask.
"No, I would just like one night when I can bathe her and get her to bed on time."
"I'm sorry." I kiss her neck again, and I don't stop until I feel her body relax. Genesis thought I didn't notice but I knew that she was a little insecure about her body since the pregnancy. She wasn't that big to begin with after birth, and with two years of her going to the gym diligently every morning, she definitely had gotten the tightness back that was there before she gave birth. But even with me telling her she looked great, because she did look great to me, I always felt her suck in her stomach whenever I touched her.
Little did she know, her stomach or her insecurities wasnt stopping a damn thing, and I make this clear, as I push my hand up her shirt, resting my hand on the very thing she was trying to hide from me and open my mouth officially sucking on her neck.
She gasps, and stops fighting me, before she breathes out. "Logan....Rae."
I stop.
"Oh yeah," I pull myself away and check on Raelynn who is sitting comfortably on the floor playing with one of her toys.
"Since she refuses to get clean, can you put the dishes away please?" Genesis voice comes out shaky, and a little flustered and I am pleased that I can still make her feel like that.
I take one of the glass punch bowls from the dishwasher, and raise it to the cabinet to put it away. Somehow, it slips out of my grasp and lands with a crash on the floor a few feet away from Raelynn.
"Oh my gosh," Genesis says. And as the few years of parenting has taught us, we reach for Raelynn, who is still sitting, playing with her toy. Genesis picks her up first, and begins checking her body as I sweep up the glass.
Raelynn, annoyed at her mothers sudden invasion to her playing, wriggles until Genesis  puts her down, satisfied that she wasn't hurt.
"Sorry, it slipped. I don't know how." I say as I dump the last of the glass into the trash can.
Genesis nods, but she is frowning at Raelynn, who was happily playing once again on the floor.
"What's up?" I ask her.
"She didn't even notice it." Genesis says, her eyes still not leaving Rae.
"Didn't notice what?" I ask.
"The bowl.., the crash." Genesis motions towards the trash can. "She just kept on playing."
"So?" I shrug.
Genesis looks at me. "It fell right next to her. She wasn't startled or anything, she just kept playing."
"Maybe she isn't affected by loud noises, Gen." I say, because I wasn't exactly sure what she was getting at. "Or maybe she's too busy playing. Maybe she didn't hear it."
"That's what I'm afraid of."
Genesis and I lock eyes.
Simultaneously, we both look to our daughter playing on the floor.
I grab two pans out the dishwasher.
"Cover your ears," I tell Gen, and she does.
I walk a few steps closer to Raelynn banging the pots together, as hard as I can, making myself cringe at the noise and causing Gen to ball her face up and press her hands tighter to her ears, but our eyes never leave Raelynn as we wait for her to look up.
After I had been banging the pots for about 20 seconds, Raelynn looks at me confused, and I think Great. She hears me. She's just annoyed as to why the fuck I'm banging pots. Awwe, my smart,  baby girl. But then she grins, raises her arms above her like mine, and claps her hands in the way I'm banging the pots.
I stop, and my heart stops as well.
She thinks it's a game.
I look at Gen and her face matches the way I feel. We look back at Raelynn, who has stopped clapping. Instead she looks back between Genesis and I, and I can tell by her face that she thinks she did something wrong.
As if on cue, her lip begins to tremble and her eyes began to water.
I force myself to smile, hoping that she believes it, and reach my hands out, picking her up. Smoothing her hair, I hug her small body to mine. "You're ok, " I say as I comfort her as she sniffles, and wipes her nose on my shirt. A feeling of dread hits my stomach.
Awwe baby, you did nothing wrong.
I look at Genesis.
She comes and takes Rae away from me. "I'm going to get her dressed. You start the car." She walks upstairs with Raelynn and I grab my keys, dreading this unexpected trip to the hospital.

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