Chapter 3.9

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Arriving in Trifas at dawn, Ruler first tried to find a place to stay, but came up against an unforeseen difficulty.

It is as the old man said; Trifas does not have tourist attractions of any sort. There were only three hotels, and they were all full.

"This is a first for us as well... I'm terribly sorry."

Turning away from the apologizing hotelkeeper, Ruler glanced at the men and women chatting in the lobby. From the slight reaction of prana, it would seem they were magi - members of Yggdmillennia, most likely. They were probably all staying in the hotels of Trifas.

"It's all right if that's the case. Would you have any idea where else I could stay?"

"Perhaps you could try the church?"

Yes - there was a church. Ruler felt rather ashamed that she did not think of that first. All of this modern knowledge must have confused her. That should have been the first place she visited.

After asking for directions from the front desk, she began to walk to the church. Perhaps she was overheard at the hotel; she could detect several others trailing her.

"They should have been more attentive... I am a Servant, not a magus..."

It's likely due to the casual clothes she was wearing. And, unfortunately, the spirit form that all Servants should naturally be capable of taking was impossible for her, due to her possessing a host.

In any case, they know that she will be staying at the church. And, for the sake of her host, she would prefer not sleeping out in open air. Left with no choice, Ruler headed for the church. She knocked on the door of the small wooden church, asking to stay there for several days, and the sister agreed gladly.

"I'm sorry, but we only have the attic left. Is that all right?"

She was in no position to make demands on luxury - and she did not much care for it in the first place.

"Any place where I can lay down would be enough. Thank you very much."

Alma Petresia was the sister's name. The gentle woman truly suited one whom was raised in such an idyllic place - a woman who needed nothing more than the love of God.

"Please, come this way."

Alma offered to show her the way, and Ruler followed her to the second floor and up a staircase leading to the attic.

"Are you a tourist?"

"No, I'm here to study the history of medieval Romania."

"In that case, Sighişoara would probably suit your needs better. There are quite a few buildings from the Middle Ages still standing here, but I don't believe they have much historical value."

"Someone else is already researching Sighişoara."

"Oh, I see. Yes, I suppose there haven't been quite as many hands going over Trifas yet."

At the end of the creaking staircase, they reached the attic. The room was rarely used, according to the sister, but there was not a single speck of dust or dirt to be found on the bed and lamp. The room seems to be have been cleaned regularly.

"I could prepare a meal as well, if you'd like."

"Oh, no - my eating patterns are rather erratic. I shouldn't trouble you."

On top of not being able to take spirit form, the girl must also eat. She wouldn't die from the lack of food like a normal human would, of course - but the girl's physical condition would worsen due to starvation. The fact is, since she hadn't eaten anything for a while, she was starting to feel pangs in her stomach.

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