Camping Trip - Kingbury

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//it's Samuel Seabury X King George iii incase you were curious//

It wasn't often that King George went and visited the great outdoors. It was his recent boyfriend, Samuel Seabury, who convinced the king to go on a camping trip with him.

They brought all the things that they needed. A hammock, marshmallows, campfire materials, bug spray, ect. It was just one night, and this was just about enough.


They had been there for hours now. Everything was nicely set up, and it was just about time to go to bed. That's when it hit George.

"Seabury." George called. "Yes, your highness?" Seabury listened. George addressed the situation, "We forgot to bring a tent. Where are we gonna sleep now?"

"Well..." Seabury thought. "There's always the hammock." They both glanced over at the hammock. It had been neatly tied between two trees and looked like it could fit a few people on it.

"Brilliant!" George exclaimed. They both slipped into sleeping attire and squished their way into the same hammock. It took a bit, but after it flipping over and Seabury falling on his face, they finally managed to lay in it together.

The hammock pushed them together, forcing them to cuddle. Seabury obliged and took George into his arms. The two made quite a bit of warmth with each other.

So much actually, that they had both fallen asleep not too long after they gave into their embrace. The wind swung the couple in the hammock, singing them into a deeper rest.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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