The Meet

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My name is Elena Gilbert and this is my story.

I am awoken by the sound of my alarm at 5:30 in the morning. Time for the first day of junior year. I open my blinds and take a deep breath. It's a new day and a new year, I tell myself. It's a time to start fresh and begin my new life without my parents. I will smile and it will be believable, for once.
I walk over to my dresser and look in the mirror. On my mirror I have pictures of my parents and I. I begin to tear up so I stop looking at the pictures and focus on myself. My parents died a few months ago. Their car drove off of a bridge into the lake. I was in the car as well. I survived somehow but my parents... they didn't. The doctors had no clue how I got out of the car and neither do I. But I did.
I got ready and went downstairs to the kitchen. My Aunt Jenna was rushing around trying to find things. My brother Jeremy was walking around with a cup of coffee in his hands, acting calm. "Okay, do you guys need anything? Pencils, paper, money? I'm so unprepared." Aunt Jenna said still running around. "No we're fine, Jenna. What time are you supposed to be at work?" I asked. "About ... 20 minutes ago. Great." "We'll be okay. Get to work. See you when you get home." I said as she ran out the door.
I car horn sounded outside. I looked out the window and saw Bonnie's car in the driveway. Bonnie is my best friend and has been since we were little kids. I grabbed my bag and ran outside. I got in the car and Bonnie looked at me with a smile. "Are you ready for the first day of our junior year?" She sounded so excited. I looked out the window. Realization came across Bonnie's face. "Are you going to be okay Elena?" I looked at her and smiled. "Yes." I sigh. "it's going to be a good year." Still smiling, I turn to look out the window.
Bonnie continues to talk about how good this year will be when something suddenly smashes the car window. We both scream and the car swerves to the side of the road. "Oh my god Elena, are you okay? I have no clue what that was !" We were both breathing heavily. I took a deep breath in and held it for a second. "Yeah, I'm okay..." I say it with a bit of hesitation, because I'm honestly not sure if I'm okay or not. I feel like I could break at any moment. Ever since the accident, I haven't been so good with cars. We began to drive off towards the school.
As we pulled into the school parking lot we saw kids all over the place. Scattered around their cars, in corners smoking or drinking, and even couples making out against trees. What a great sight to see on our first day back, I thought and sighed. We started to walk into school toward our lockers. We put our stuff away and walked through the halls. We walked by Matt, my ex boyfriend from sophomore year. I broke up with him before my parents died. I smiled at him and he walked away. We passed the registration office and saw a guy. His back was turned so we couldn't see his face. "Do you think he's hot?" Bonnie asked excitedly. I studied his figure from behind. "He could be. I'm not sure. All I see is his back." We laughed together. We begin to turn around to leave but I remembered I had to talk to the office about my Aunt Jenna being mine and Jeremy's new legal guardian. I tell Bonnie I will see her later and turn to go to the office.
I bump into someone tall and definitely built. I look up and it's him. The guy that was in the office, the one Bonnie had asked if I thought he would be hot. Oh, hot wasn't the word to describe him. He was, like an angel. He was pale, tall with some sort of mysterious vibe to him. He had dirty blonde hair and deep brown eyes. We make eye contact and I back away a little. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry. I should've been watching where I was going." I said nervously. He looked at me and smiled a smile that made my heart stop. I caught my breath and smiled back. "It's alright. It was my fault. I'm Stefan." He held out his hand for me to shake it. But before I could the bell rang. I started to back away, then turned around and said "I'm Elena." I smiled a big smile which may have been too obvious but right now I don't really care. He smiled and I walked off.

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