Chapter 1

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((Eren's P.O.V))

I dragged my feet across the hard cold pavement as I walked to school. It was my first day at Sina high school and, honestly, I was not ready. I woke up late and Im still tired as hell. I lifted up my head and shifted my gaze from the dirty floor to ahead of me. I could see the school and I sighed in relief. Finally. I'm here.

I pushed open the double doors and walked over to the front desk. "Hi my names Eren Jaeger. Im new here." The small blonde lady smiled sweetly. "Alright Eren. I'll get your timetable" She passed me a sheet of paper with my timetable on it. "Thanks." I put my hand up as a wave and walked out of the reception. "Okay...what do I have?.." I looked at my timetable and saw that I had science first. "Room...52? Right." Determined to get to the right room I walked off in a direction, I hoped, was science.

I looked at the door and smiled. "here it is." I pushed open the door. "" I lifted up my timetable again. "Ms Hanji." I looked at the teacher and realised they were male and indeed not Ms Hanji. He had raven black hair and fair skin. He was quite short but all the same very hot. "I'm in the wrong room aren't I?" I let out a sigh and turned my heels to go to the right room. "You're looking for room 52, you're in room 25. Go down the hall until you find some stairs. Room 52 is up there." A stoic yet soothing voice with a slight french accent directed me. Damn was that voice hot. I turned around to face the teacher. "Thank you sir."

Once I finally found my way to science I knocked on the door. "Come in!" A feminine voice said. I opened the door and sighed in relief when I realised it was the right the room. "Sorry Im late Ms Hanji. I accidentaly went to room 25." A tall woman with her brown hair pulled up into a ponytail and wearing a lab coat smiled widely at me. "Sit down next to Armin and we'll explain what we're doing today. I hope Mr Ackerman didn't yell at you." I furrowed my eyebrows and look out for this Arlert person. "Yell? He didnt yell at all. He directed me to your room." A small femine blonde guy raised his hand and I assumed that was Arlert. I sat down next to him. "Hey I'm Armin Arlert." He gave me a small smile and I gave him one in return. "Hey Armin. I'm Eren Jaeger."

Science was over and I had French next. "Hey Armin! Can you help me find where french is?" The small boy nodded. "Its room 25. The room you accidentally went in before." I opened my mouth slightly in realisation. "What's the teachers name?"
"Mr. Ackerman." Armin looked up at me. "Why?"
"He's quite hot." I mumbled, embarassed, as Armins eyes widened. "I mean...I guess but he's our teacher."
"It's not like I'm going to fuck him." I let out a small laugh and looked at Armin. "Okay good." He replied, laughing aswell.

I walked into the room and had a small smile resting on my lips. "Er...Mr Ackerman? Where should I sit?" The stoic teacher turned to face me and pointed to a guy that had the resemblance of a horse. "Sit next to Kirstien." I nod my head and do as he told. "Hi Im Eren Jaeger." I say to the guy I now sit next to. "Jean Kirstien...dont talk to me. Im not here to make friends." I rolled my eyes and shrugged, putting all my focus on the teacher. "Bonjour. Bienvenue a francias classe. Today we'll be learning about avoir and etre." My eyes were glued to his face and his eyes. His eyes were strangely beautiful...but then my eyes startes to drop and I found my self looking at his ass and his crotch. I got to admit he has a good ass and there seems to be quite a bulge in his trousers. "Jaeger? Are you paying attention at all?" I snapped out of my day dream and looked back at his face. "Yes. I am sir." Mr Ackerman sighed and walked over to my desk, letting me see his crotch up close. "I suggest you pay attention to my words more than my body Jaeger." Blushing, I looked down at my desk and found the table very fascinating now. "Stay behind after school." I sighed and rest my chin on my hand. First day of school and I already have a detention for checking out a teacher. "Yes sir." 

((First chapter. Yay! I'll try to update atleast once a week. I hope you likey!

Also translations
Bonjour. Beinvenue a francais classe - Hello. Welcome to french class))

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