How To Get The Service

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So, a free editing service at your fingertips, what do you do?

Well, the obvious option is to take the opportunity, seize the day, carpe diem! And here is exactly how!

1. Have your story! It sounds obvious, but this service is not you give me a plot and I write for you. So have the chapters you want edited ready!

2. Follow me! Otherwise I won't accept your request. Simple as really.

3. PM Me! Private message me to say you want an edit. Also tell me what story it is, what chapters you want edited (my maximum is 20 chapters at a time, but I may decline less chapters depending on how much you write in each chapter), and how I will have access to it (Either emailing it to me, giving me access to your account or another more convenient way for you that you may request).  And make sure to add any personal request to how I edit, such as things to keep in, make it sound more like a posh British person than a gangster from Sweden (idk) etc.

4. Wait patiently Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that it's going to take me months or anything. I'm just saying don't expect it back in 5 mins.

• Send requests at the weekends for more instant replies.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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