Chapter Seven - Trip To Port Angeles

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Chapter 7 – Trip To Port Angeles

I pretended I was looking around for Edward on Monday morning, Jessica had noticed. Jessica said, “They're not here; when ever the days are sunny Dr. Cullen takes them hiking. I've tried that excuse on my parents and it never works.” I just replied, “Oh.” Angela said, “Jessica and I are going dress shopping in Port Angeles Tomorrow.” I asked them, “Can I come with you guys?” Angela replied, “Of course, I'm going to need your advice, Bella.” Right then the bell rang signaling it was time to head for the first class of the day.

It was nice to have none of Edward's siblings staring at me the whole day, I was very relaxed for a change. I opened my window now like it was a daily tradition, so Edward could watch me while I sleep. I know he didn't know that I know he watches me sleep at night. I trusted Edward wouldn't try to bite me while I slept, watching me sleep seemed to relax him. Within a few minutes I fell asleep, but at one point I woke up in the middle of the night.

I looked at the front of the bed, Edward was standing as still as stone against the wall. A small smile appear on my face and I said, “I thought I heard some movement, I guess I was wrong.” I laid back on the bed again, I fell back asleep a few minutes later. When I woke up in the morning he was gone, all that was left was his scent.

I walked over to my window and closed it, I didn't want anything to lurk in my house when I was gone. I quickly headed to the bathroom to take a shower, I wanted to feel refreshed. A few minutes later I got done and headed to my room to get dressed, then I went to the kitchen to pour myself a bowl of cereal and a glass of orange juice. After I finished my breakfast I headed to the living room to get my stuff together; I realized today was going to be another sunny day...

I was ready for what was going to happen today, from none of the Cullen's being at school to what those guys in Port Angeles thought about doing to me. Those guys would get what they deserved, the leader would get kicked in the family jewels and others would experience excruciating pain. There was an hour left of school, I wish the last hour would go by fast.

Jessica asked on our way to Port Angeles, “Is it true your going to the prom with Tyler?” I choked out, “No! Why would you ask that!” Angela said, “Tyler has been saying that he was taking you to prom.” I said bluntly, “I'm not going to the dance with anyone. He better stop saying that or I don't know what will happen.” Jessica and Angela were quiet for the rest of the trip, just over an hour later we were in Port Angeles. A few minutes later we parked outside of a dress shop, then we went inside.

Jessica asked me while looking through the rack of dresses, “Did you ever go out with a boyfriend or something?” I replied, “No, I've never had a boyfriend or anything close.” She asked, “Why not?!” “No one asked me out,” I answered honestly. She looked at me like she didn't believe me, but didn't say another word about it. After I complimented on several of the dresses they tried on I asked, “Would it be okay if I went the book store nearby?” Angela replied, “Sure Bella, we'll meet you at the restaurant in a little while.” I started heading downtown to the book store to get a book called “The Cold Ones”, it was suppose to be about some legend.

I spent almost an half an hour before I found the book, I paid the woman the ten dollars and left the store. I could hear Edwards thoughts in my head, I knew he had to be close by. I started heading down the wrong way, towards the downtown of Port Angels. Soon I was lost and I wasn't in a very good neighbor hood anymore. Sometime soon I would be face to face with my attackers, they were already starting to follow me. I glanced over my shoulder and noticed a group of three men were following me, I quickly picked up my pace.

Suddenly I rounded the corner and was surrounded by ten men in their early twenties, I could read what they were going to do to me in their minds; I didn't like what they were thinking. One said, “Don't be like that sugar.” I warned them, “Stay away from me!” The leader starts to approach me I warn, “Stay away from me or you'll be sorry!” He ignored me and when he was close enough I kneed him in the groin, he screamed in pain. I forced my mind power on the rest of the group, causing them to scream in pain. A few seconds later a silver Volvo came flying around the corner, I eased the pain away from them. Edward opens the passenger door from the inside and says, “Get in.” I replied, “One more second.” The leader of the group gets off the ground, I send him flying across the street and he lands on top of his members of the group. I quickly get into the car, Edward takes off at top speed.

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