2 years before the case

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I sat on the couch moaning... no i wasnt sick. Yes my feet were in a bucket of hardening cement with ropes binding my arms. Wait that wasnt your guess? Good! As a free lance police officer you have to be unpredictable! Alright now that the introduction's over can someone help me out? Hello? Max?

Bu duh du- dramatic opening!
Max:Sam why are you monologuing your life again?

Sam:It might be the stockholm syndrome kicking in for the fact that i've had my feet stuck in cement since our last case.

Max:Oh.That's not so ba-

Sam:It's been a month.

Max:Still not that bad.

*the phone rings*

Max:I got it!!

Sam:No i got it!!

*sam and max fight over who will answer the phone.Sam answers while he's crushing max with cement*

Sam:Uh huh....yeah....no!!....really?....we'll be right there.

Max:Was it the pizza man,cause i'm late on our pick up.

Sam:Actually it was the commissioner.We've got a new assignment.

Max:But the pizza!!!

Sam:But the assignmen-


Sam:Alright fine.Do we still have the escaped convict in our closet?

Max:Leonard or the Pedophile?

Sam:The Pedophile.

Max:Yeah.Why do you ask?

Sam:Can't he fly with his stupid propeller hat?

Max:Oh yeah!!So you're saying...

Sam:We send him instead.

Max:And use his hat as a chainsaw?!


Max:I'm on it.*opens the closet*

Uncle Grandpa:Good morning!

Max:It's 4 o clock dumbass!!*steals his hat and kicks him out the window*Watch out for the!!!*gets hit by his own van*Yup.We made a good choice.

AN://  The beginning was writen by kjw2020 !!! Check out her account for more humor!

Sam and Max Save The Universe Episode 1:Beach city bash(on a long ass hiatus)Where stories live. Discover now