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     He sat there simply listening to the world around him for what seemed to be hours, until something bumped into his shoulder. He opened his eyes to find a male soldier sitting next to him on the Blackhawk eyeing him with curiosity. "Hey kid, you awake?"

"Yes sir. Just resting my eyes." He said to him.

"This your first battle?" The male threw glances at the female soldier sitting across from him.

"Yes sir." He turned his head to look out the side of the Black Hawk.

"What's your name?" He turned his head back to the two soldiers.

"My name is Eric Conners. Lance Corporal." He nodded his head and adjusted his face mask.

"Alright Connors. I'm Lieutenant Keelin, that's Sergeant First Class Shoup." Keelin held out his hand towards Conners. Shoup waved at him, then looked out the helicopter again. Suddenly the radio came to life.

"All teams. This is Captain Stanley. Anchor and Granite. You will be landing on the East side of the city. Charlie and Echo. South side. Sweep and clear people." The radio cut off. Keelin raised his hand to his helmet.

"So, Granite Leader. Wanting to roll with Anchor some more, eh?" Shoup chuckled a little.

"Anchor Leader, you're escorting my team to the HVT. Captain Stanley out." The same voice from the radio cut out.

"Sheesh. She's always too serious on missions, makes them boring." Keelin chuckled as he checked his SCAR-H.

"Well, we are about to attack a major city filled with terrorists." Shoup said through the headset. She leaned back a little and looked at the broken city.

"Hey, Anchor-4, you clear over there? You're waving around a little." Keelin said through the radio, looking at the helicopter flying next to theirs.

"Yea, we are getting some weird signals on the radio." Anchor-4 said.

"What ki-OH SHIT. RPG!" Keelin was cut off by a small rocket that sped past them.

"All Teams! Evasion maneuvers! Get to your LZ!" Captain Stanley yelled. Conners looked around before checking his M4. Suddenly an explosion rocked the helicopter.

"We're hit! I repeat! Gator 2 is going down!" The pilot of their helicopter said through the radio. "You marines better hold on tight! It's gonna be a rough landing!" Shoup, Keelin and Conners grabbed handles next to them as the metal machine began to spin, getting faster and faster.

"Hold on!" Keelin grunted as the helicopter kept spinning. Conners' head began to spin, in and out, he was trying to stay awake. Suddenly the spinning stopped and Conners was rocked sideways. Darkness consumed his vision. And then nothing.

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