Bestfriend? // 5

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Amelia ^ :)

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Amelia ^ :)

*Skip to the next day at school*

I frantically look around to try to find Siarah, standing on my tippy toes trying to look over people because I'm that short (aka story of my life).

"AMELIA" someone screamed

I turned around and I have never run so fast in my life.

"SIARAH OMG" I screamed and jumped on her.

"I haven't seen you in so long, I missed you so much" Siarah said

"I know but its all good now" I responded

"Ok let me see your timetable"

Siarah handed me her timetable and I quickly scanned over it.

"Hey we have like 4 classes together" I smiled

"Thank the lord I really wanted some classes with you so I'm not alone" Siarah sighed in relief.

"Ok we have first class together" I said and started to walk

I started telling her about who is in our class, and how's the school and stuff like that.

We walk into class and of course Ethan sits in the seat next to me and Siarah sit in the seat in front of me.

"Hey are you new?" Ethan said

"Hey yeah I am, I just moved here today" Siarah responded 

I zoned out thinking about a memory when I snapped back in reality.

"Amelia" Ethan said waving his hand in my face

"Yeah" I responded confused

"Bring siarah to my party?" Ethan asked 

I just nodded  then Ethan went to sit down after he finished talking. The class finished then Siarah came up to me asking when's the party and what should she wear.

"Hey we could do a girl's night for the party" She suggested

"Yeah sure ok my house tomorrow" (Todays Wednesday)

*Skip to lunch*

"Amelia guess who is in my other classes" Siarah screeched

"Grayson?" I said 

"Yes, he is so nice" She said ranting to me about Grayson.

Half of the time she was talking to me, I just zoned out. The bell rang and we walked to our next class. Throughout the whole day all she was doing was getting to know the twins and talking to me/bringing me up in conversations.

Its now 5th period and I'm in this class with Grayson. Me and him are on ok terms because we have a project together. Grayson and I finished the project in this lesson and we ended up talking about life and where they are now.

"We should do this more often, its nice to talk to someone that listens you know?" Grayson said.

"Yeah I know all 17 year olds just wanna smash" I responded (they are 17)

The final Bell rang and we said our goodbyes. I started to walk out the door thinking I was clear when all of a sudden my clothes where drenched. I look forward and see Katlyn and her little army

"Ops sorry" Katlyn said holding her Slurpee cup.

Everyone around me was laughing or taking pictures. I put my head down trying to get through but they wouldn't let me.

"Come on Katlyn let her through you've had your fun" Grayson said

Ethan handed me a jacket and I put it on. Katlyn snarled at me and I started to walk to my car.

"Amelia" Someone screamed

Turned around and saw Ethan running up to me

"Hey thanks for the jacket" I said handing it back to him

"No problem" He responded

"I just wanted to say if you need anything just call me ok?" He said

I nodded and got into my car. On the way home I starting thinking about what Ethan said to me earlier and why he cared now. 

I got home, put on some fuzzy socks, made myself some noodles and started to watch insidious. During the movie I got a knock at the door, I got up and opened the door to find an annoyed Ethan standing.

"Hi?" I said confused

"Hey is it ok if I can hangout in here, Grayson is fucking a hoe and I don't wanna hear it"

"Yea ok, I'm just watching Insidious"

"OO horror movie" Ethan said screaming like a girl

I laughed and shook my head at Ethan's comment. I finished my homework while watching the movie and Ethan was sitting next to me so I rested my head on his shoulder watching the movie when I felt my eyes getting heavy and fell asleep.


I hope you guys liked this chapter. Its a bit longer than the rest but i just had a lot to write 😂

 Amelia and Ethan getting cosy ayyeee ;)

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