Hi Im Cassidy. Welcome Home

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My name is Cassidy Payne Brown. I'm in love with one of my brother's best friends. But this isn't just some schoolgirl crush. Me and him have actually been sneaking around for about a month now. But we're going to go back to the beginning of our story.

You see, back in June, we flirted, hung out way more than usual and eventually, before the end of the month, we shared a kiss. This, however, is still not where our story begins.

It's started when they came back from tour in May. Oh, did I forget to mention? My brother is Liam Payne. And the best friend I'm talking about is Harry. Harry Styles? Anyways, I'll just let you find out for yourself just what happens. Go ahead, keep going, I'll leave you guys to enjoy the story. You go have fun.

Chapter 1. Cassidy

I'm so excited I can hardly stand up straight. I was finally going to get see my brother! After nine freakin' months of missing him! A little screen wouldn't suffice anymore. I had to see him and his crazy friends in person. Right now! Especially Harry. My brother of course was my best friend, but Harry had a way of making me laugh and smile even when I felt like complete and total crap. Liam could sort of do that too, but Harry made it last somehow.

"Hmm, I wonder who that lovely girl over there could be waiting for," I heard a deep British accent say. I squealed and turned around.

"Liam!" I hugged his neck. "I missed you so much bubba!" I knew I was seventeen years old and all, and he was twenty, but we were never going to outgrow our ridiculous nicknames.

"I missed you too Cassy-Bear!" I giggled into his shoulder. I finally let go and saw Harry smirking over his shoulder.

I giggled again and said, "Harry! Is it really possible that those stinking green eyes have gotten more irresistible?" I asked as I hugged him tightly.

"Of course! It is me you're talking about!" he said winking at me.

"Nialler! Lou! Zaynie! Come here!" I hugged them all tightly as well.

"Where's Mum and Dad?" Liam asked.

"Mum had to go to see my teacher. Dad had some stuff from work, so they sent me." I brightly said, smiling.

"Uh oh. What'd you do Cassy?" Harry asked teasingly, "Skipping classes again are we?" He winked again.

I stuck my tongue out at him. "You know I was throwing up in the toilet, Haz." He chuckled. "No. I did not skip class. Then or now. I actually got exempted from my Calculus final, if you must know. I'm making the highest grade in class." I said, beaming.

"Cassidy! I'm so proud of you! I hope Mum didn't make dinner because I'm taking you out somewhere special for the evening. Just to celebrate your exceptional brain." Liam said.

"To celebrate you getting home, and me getting exempted." I corrected.

"Whatever you say, Cassy-Bear."

I smiled and squeezed him tightly again. He was my greatest prize. I didn't deserve him at all. But I'm sure glad I have him anyway.

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