Chapter 3

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Marie's POV

Macey called the police while Charlie, Seth, and Vador just sat there looking at me in disbelief. "That is what you call true love." Seth said. "No, that's what you call crazy and-" "Do you two shut up for like five minutes? Ever?" "Nope, I don't think so!" Charlie said. Then Macey walked back in the kitchen and hugged Vador in relief that he wasn't the one who got shot. "The police will be he-" The doorbell rang and I ran to go get it. The police came in and investigated, then they took Jason to the hospital. "Marie, are you coming to the hospital with us?" Macey asked. "Yeah, i'll tag a long I guess." Vador drove us to the hospital, but to my surprise he had a really nice car. "Hey Macey, did you call Suzie?" "Oh no I forgot but I called Beth she is on her way to the hospital with Jack." When we reached the hospital, we obviously had to go in an elevator. Which, I absolutely hate elevators because when I was seven I got stuck in an elevator all by myself and I was stuck in there for about twenty minutes.

We reached the level that he was staying on and found Beth crying in Jack's arms. We sat in the waiting room and I fell asleep on Seth's shoulder, until the doctor came up to us and Seth woke me up. "Well, it looks like Jason is in critical condition but he will be okay." The doctor said with a smile. She was really pretty with her little brown hair in a bun, I smiled back at her in relief that he was going to be okay.  I was so sleepy that I just fell back asleep, then I felt Seth pick me up like a little baby and then we went back to my house. "Goodnight Marie." Then he kissed my forehead which was a little awkward but I think he likes me! Honestly he is a little cuter than Jason but it would still be weird, if I like Seth instead of Jason.

Jason's POV

I woke up, to find myself in a hospital bed. Then I remembered why I ended up here in the first place. I got shot by Zarek. Oh yeah, where was Zarek? I hit the nurse button and the nurse came rushing in. "Hi Jason, I see you're finally awake!" "Yeah, and where is everybody at?" "Well honey they all went home about an hour ago." "oh okay, thank you!" I was perfectly fine, but I did want somebody to come and stay with me, so I didn't feel lonely.  

                                    ~IN THE MORNING~

When I woke up my mom was already there watching t.v and laughing on the phone. "Mom, who are you talking to." "Okay, yeah I will see you today at 3:00... mhm, okay bye." "What was that?" "Oh nothing I was talking to Suzie." "About?" "Um, Marie's dress fitting." "For what!?" "Well, Macey and Vador are getting married and Macey wanted to take Marie dress shopping!" "I knew she was getting married to him someday!"  "Haha, yeah he proposed about four weeks ago! And they now just came out about it!"  "So, do you know where Zarek is?" "Yes, he is dead.." "WHAT!! Who killed him!" "Marie." I couldn't believe that Marie actually killed Zarek I mean, Marie! I would not believe that one, but I guess it is true! "So, when did she kill him!" "I guess right after she found you on the floor and literally punched him and then Seth, Charlie, Vador or Macey didn't  stopped her!" "Wow, when I get back I am going to ask her all about it!" "Yeah, hey call the nurse because I want to know when you get out of this place!" I hit the nurse button and my mom asked her all these questions and surprisingly she had all the answers. "Well, I guess you get out in a week! But I have to go so I will be back later. . maybe, I will have to see how this dress fitting goes!" "Okay, well take a picture of Macey's dress and Marie's dress for me!" "Okay, you little Marie stalker!" I smiled and then fell back asleep. 

Marie's POV

Today Macey is going to take me dress shopping and i'm so excited because I love trying on dresses! "Okay are you ready Marie?" Macey asked. "Yes!!" "Okay let's go!!" We went to the best Wedding place that we could find. We walked in and I had spotted a beautiful silk dress with rhinestones at the top and fluffed out at the bottom and came into a long train in the back! "Macey look at that one over there!" "Oh my god!! That is beautfiul, but first we need someone to help us out!" So we went and got a lady to help us out and luckily the dresses that we wanted were in her price range. Then Beth showed up and took pictures of us in the dresses and then Jack suddenly showed up too!! "Well Jack what do you think of the dresses?" "You both look beautiful!" So, we put the dresses on hold and when it comes closer to the wedding we will go back and try them on again so we can make sure it's the dress that she still wants and also to see if it still fits.

                                          ONE WEEK LATER

Seth was coming over today to keep me company while Emily and Suzie go out and do their mother, daughter things while I stay home. "Okay, are you sure you don't want to come with us?" "I'm fine, really." I said with a smile. She just nodded and left, they were going to be gone most of the day so I kind of have Seth to keep me company all day too. Knock, knock,knock. "Come in." He sat by me and I cuddled up against him like he was Jason, but he didn't mind so we just watched movies for about four hours and they still weren't home. Then Suzie called me at two and said that they would be home at five, so Seth didn't have to leave me for another three hours. I actually am starting to like Seth the more I hang around him and I just know he likes me too!!   "Hey Marie can I ask you something?" Seth said nervously. "yeah?" "Do you like me, because I really like you." I looked at him in shock because I didn't know what to say. "Yes. . I do like you." He smiled and then leaned down and kissed me. For once I forgot all about Jason and thought about Seth.

Jason's POV

Since I can walk a whole lot better I am going to surprise Marie and stop by her house. It was only 2:30 so I had time. I walked in the back door, and then nobody heard me so I was good so far. I walked upstairs to see if she was in her room, but she wasn't so I walked in the basement to the family room and heard the t.v on and then I came around the corner to see her and Seth kissing. "So, I see you totally forgot about me then Marie!" She looked up and hopped off, and then tried to say sorry but I ran out way to fast for her to catch up to me. I can't believe I just saw all of that! I came home really heated and my mom asked me what was wrong. "MARIE!" "What happened with Marie?!" "She kissed SETH!!" Then I ran outside and punched the brick wall until my knuckles started bleeding. 

"Honey, i'm really sorry but you were gone for a week I wouldn't blame her. . . " "What the hell mom! So, your taking sides now! God, I thought you would take my side instead of making me feel worse!! I protected her and this is how she pays me back!" I stormed out of the house, once again and walked anywhere but Marie's house or my house! 

Marie's POV

"I feel bad, Seth." We just looked at each other in shock. "Well, first. . .I wasn't expecting him to come in anyways." "Me either I didn't hear him!!" We got up and the whole three hours I was trying to call him but he didn't answer me STILL! But when Seth left I pulled him to the side and told him to forget about the whole thing. He nodded, kissed me again and then left. Now I really felt like I was in the Twilight Saga!


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