Meet Jill |Ch2|

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*BOTH LJs DONT BELONG TO ME also this is how I will portray Jill throughout the book so if you don't like it, comment some changes you think are needed or just don't read!*

No one's POV

A tall figure walked about a dark and ominous carnival with slight worry. Who wouldn't be on edge in a place like this?

The lengthy woman shuddered as a chilly breeze blew past, blowing her very curly black hair out of her crazed eyes. She crossed her arms and rubbed her pale hands back and forth up her upper arm as the cold air went through the black long sleeves of her dress. The woman's black flats made no sound on the dirt of the carnival. It was as if she wasn't fully there.

She gasped when she saw some fair game booths up ahead and clapped her hands together with glee before rushing over to them. This woman loves having fun. She was a very childish person and simply adored playing games.

When she got to the first booth (A/N when I first wrote this it said 'she got to the first booty XD) she gasped in horror at the poor stuffed animals. Her eyes wandered from the giant bear which hung from the booth with a noose to the intestine streamers and organ balloons

"N-not my first choice of d-decorations." She muttered, her voice sounded like a child's toy; high pitched. It also sounded dark and cold like she had been through something awful and snapped. A sly smile crossed her face as her eyes continued to explore the booth. While it all was a little disturbing it was quite clever to use human body parts as decorations. She surely had never done it before but who's to judge? It suited the dark place.

She noticed a stuffed bunny with a knife sticking out of it laying on the counter. With a shrug, she picked up one of the gray balls below the counter. The game booth was a simple ball toss game where the goal is to knock over the stack of nine bottles. She had played plenty of these types of games before and with ease, she knocked over the first display of glass bottles. They clattered off the stand, crashing to the ground. The shattering should echoed through the park making her a little nervous as she grabbed the light gray plush bunny as her prize. She pulled the knife out which made more of its stuffing fall out.

"Sorry Mr. Bun bun! It must hurt an awful lot having your insides fall out!" She said with false pity in a sickly sweet voice as she held him with one hand, the other stuffing his insides back in.

"I'll fix you up later Mr. Bun bun!" She squealed before putting him below the counter with the rest of the balls.

The slender clown picked up small blade that had been sticking out of the plush rabbit only moments before and slipped it into one of the pockets on her knee length dress. You never know, especially in a place like this. She didn't really like knives though seeing as she normally used a chainsaw but she honestly didn't really care.

She skipped over to the next game booth and once again, admired the decorations. The intestines the hung around the booth were still wet and were dripping blood and other bodily fluids onto the counter every few seconds with an annoyingly loud drip drop sound.

"Drip, drop, drip, drop..." She sang as she whipped a drop of blood from the counter with her pointer finger. She stared at it for a heartbeat before licking it off with one lick of her long black tongue. Among the many strange things the clown could do, she could elongate her limbs, fingers, and tongue. She shrunk her tongue back down as it reentered her mouth and savored the taste of blood as she swiped her tongue along her pointed teeth.

The woman turned her attention back to the game booth which at further examination she found it was the game where you had fake guns and the goal was to shoot the targets as accurately as possible. She reached for one of the guns but stopped halfway and instead pulled the knife from her dress. Fake guns were boring so why not try a real knife? She aimed with one hand while she brought back her other one which held the knife as she got into a stance similar to how you would throw a throwing dart. She got ready to throw when she heard a dark and raspy laugh echo through the carnival. The woman whipped around, still in her stance but now her target was any potential threat. Another chuckled rang out making her shift in her flats. It sent a chill up and down her spine and she was not used to that feeling.

"All around the mulberry bush~"

She glanced around at the fairgrounds before her eyes with her back against the counter to the booth, her knife at the ready.

"The monkey chased the weasel~"

Her hand adjusted itself on the small blade's handle as the creepy song lyrics came from each and every direction.

"The monkey thought 'twas all in good fun~"

She mumbled the words to the well-known jingle as they bounced around inside her head. It was too ominous for her and she shivered, biting her lip slightly as she shifted her feet in the dirt.


Her eyes were wide and she was surprised at the fact that she was actually shaking. The word no longer echoed and she prepared herself for whatever was going to happen.

"Hmmm.... I've forgotten the words, will you sing w-"

The clown squealed as the voice now came from behind her. In a flash, she moved her arm so she was in the angled to stab the knife backward which, she did.


She ripped the knife from whoever was behind her before stumbled forward, turning around to face the man.



Word count: 1020

Gee that's more than I intended but whatever ;P

Author~Chan Aurora out

Carnival clowns (Laughing Jack X Laughing Jill)Where stories live. Discover now