Chapter 21

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The camp was already in sight. His paws sunk into the sand, and so did his heart. His rotten hyena of a son kept him surrounded by the best lionesses the pride, blocking him from any escape. He knew the plan. He knew for a while now. His son wanted to rape and eat his daughter.

How dare he think of such wile acts? Although his daughter was a fine lion, her body was human. It was a monstrosity to think of mating her. But, his son was fucked.

He knew he was fucked from the day he killed his first human. It was meant only for survival, but he could see the mad glint in his eye. He was lost, the taste of human had tempted him into sin. At first he was in denial, but his son would go on trips, long ones, and come back smelling like human. After a while, it became more and more obvious his son was mad, each day the sanity in his eyes would be lost. Then, he left. He could not bear to see his son go any madder.

That was when he found his little girl. Originally, it was just pity. He knew his son was a human killer, yet here was the most fragile of the human kind at his paw. Purely out of pity, he took it in.

He grew to love its hideous human body, and its hideous human face. It was his ugly child, and he loved it. He cherished her, and protected her.

Yet he, the mighty Raiku, the once great warrior of lions, had grown old.

He had gotten past his age limits years ago, but he continued to live for his human child. Now, his body had become fragile; his bones were brittle, his blood lukewarm, and his fur greying. He did not have as much fight in him as before, and his son knew it. His son had seen him in his prime, and seen his weakness more than strength. His son was unlike his daughter, who looked up to him every day, despite his old body. She would always admire him, groom him, and cuddle with him, no thought of age or weakness. In the lion world, the old or weak die. But, to her, he was her most beloved father.

He never did want her to leave his side. It was selfish of him, but he cared so deeply for her. He, the great warrior Raiku, was much too overprotective of her. She was fragile, she was small, and most of all she was human. Growing up, he could see her attempts at becoming more like a lion, yet she was still so tiny and frail. It was daunting. Something like a single swipe could kill her.

But she grew beyond his expectations. She fought so well, almost no one could hurt her. Then, was the day she killed another lion.

He was terrified. His little human daughter was a killer, just like his son. This situation was a complete opposite, yet the scene was familiarly terrifying. He wondered then, was he the one who taught them this terrible sin?

But, she did not eat the lion like his son ate the human. Instead, she became even more lion-like by taking its body parts. It was just as sinful, but he still loved her. Then he realized, she did it for his love.

Day by day went, and his love grew and grew. Before he knew it, she was a fine lion, and a fine daughter. She became his pride, despite her being the laughing stalk of the dessert.

The camp was in site now, and he wished it was not true. He looked over to his son, the mad glint in his eyes had no sanity, just bloodlust and hunger.

He had to warn his daughter. Even if it killed him.


She was sleeping on the deck when she awoke.

The night had become too silent, the air chilled against her exposed skin. She bristled, knowing something was off. She rushed into the house, going to Sasuke's room first. She jumped on his bed, putting her hands on his mouth so he couldn't make a noise. He jolted. His eyes wide. His lips attempted to move, but she pressed harder. He struggled, trying to push her off but she kept her spot on top of him.

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